It was a pleasure and an honor receiving Mother Agnes Mariam in - TopicsExpress


It was a pleasure and an honor receiving Mother Agnes Mariam in Southern California on the 9th and 10th of November. The 9th was our main event in Jesus Sacred Heart Syriac Catholic Church in North Hollywood, CA and the crowed of 200+ were enlightened by MAM testimonials and eyewitness reports. Her message of peace and reconciliation was so powerful that it prompted a one-minute-long standing Ovation. Her humanitarian work throughout the 2 1/2-years-long conflict in Syria, working with the displaced, helping negotiate the release of kidnapped victims, and the pioneer work she’s done evacuating civilians caught in the cross fire, especially the recent safe evacuation of 7,650 men, women and children from the besieged and heavily clashed area of Mo’adamiya on the outskirt of Damascus was nothing short of heroic. On Sunday Nov. 10, MAM spoke at St Anne Melkite Greek Catholic Church and met afterwards with the church parish. Many families spoke of their horrific experiences before leaving Syria. One family shared with heartfelt tears how they were forced out of their home in Hamidieh Homs by the armed gangs under the force of guns, not allowed to take any positions with them. In the afternoon there was another speaking event in a hall in Glendale, CA. and the majority Armenian crowed were very pleased to listen to MAM, and how misinformed they were about many aspects of the Syrian conflict. Thank you Rick, Paul, and everyone involved with the Syrian Solidarity Movement for organizing Mother Agnes Mariam North American Tour of ‘What is really happening in Syria.’ The truth must be known so a true peaceful solution could be reached.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 17:47:11 +0000

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