It was a three day program, the Pastor of this church had called - TopicsExpress


It was a three day program, the Pastor of this church had called me to speak for him for three days, it was a Praise and Worship revival. The First night I preached from my book A Life of True Worship and the church was dead silent. When the Head Pastor dropped me at my Hotel he said John Sena if you keep preaching like this for the rest of the days we will loose everyone by the third day, get them jumping and excited.... I smiled and said Yes Rev. The next day for some funny reason the church was full, the Pastor was shocked and again that night I preached a more harder message The secret sin, bitterness and unforgiveness I know at this moment the Pastor was mad inside, funny thing he didnt drop me after service, he made someone else do that. The Third day the Church was packed from top to down, it was an overflow with people outside listening, even with no seats, before the Pastor called me, he tried to get the Church excited and jumping, but I smiled and waited to preach a more funny message You ungrateful beings. After the message I made a call for people knew that night if Jesus should come they wouldnt make it to stand so we rededicate their lives to God. I asked them to walk forward and the whole Church was up, including the Pastor wifes and Children. Then I lifted a song...people cried like babies, broken, filled, repent and God just moved in His own way, no one took note of time people just wanted to now worship with meaning...I couldnt control it again because now it had nothing to do with me. After I handed over the Mic to the pastor who just didnt understand what had happened and whispered in his ear. Its not about, getting people excited its about saving their souls. what use is false hope? Then I said sorry I am different and I dont apologies He knelt and said pray for me and I said I am not worthy either, like all these people I have issues and am going to knell and pray for myself too...... People need the truth. And the truth will keep them coming to God not the prophecies and the charismatic drama. Its the truth that sets people free, tell them about Jesus not your luxuries travel around the world in first class #Nonsense. Who cares if you have been to every country in the world? Who cares if you live in a mason or dine with a President, heaven dont care, what matters to heaven is bringing the sheep back home to God.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:11:35 +0000

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