It was a tough day .I was completely confused on what to do - TopicsExpress


It was a tough day .I was completely confused on what to do next..With extreme physical pain, I told my father, Dad!!I am planning to quit this job.. My father said Dont ever think of it...He was very stern in his decision and stopped talking to me for the next one week..I did not have strength both in body and mind to go to office..But I was not allowed to sit in home too..With too much of stress ,I went to office..As I was not tagged to any project, i sat on a stone bench there and called one of my friends..I told him my idea of quitting the job and my father not accepting it..He gave me this idea..Nithya!!dont worry..You should not work and you should be paid too..So ,do one thing..Remain on bench as long as u can..Dont get committed to any project..In the mean time ,try to convince ur father... hey!what do I do if I get call for any project..I asked..and he said, say something like you will get married soon, you will be leaving this job soon or say anything that would stop the project manager from recruiting you what an idea sirji?? I stuck on to his words..The very next day ,i got a call for a project from siruseri..It was a friday and so I told the project manager that i would attend the interview on monday..I postponed my problem for two days.. Preparing for an interview to get selected is different from preparing for an interview to get rejected..Being a studious girl,this task was really tough for me..I cannot talk rudely or I cannot directly refuse the recruitment offer because that would land me in trouble..the HRs will start questioning me..If i say health as a reason, few look at me with sympathy and few look at me like a disgusting creature..I cannot bear both..Moreover I cannot quit my job too because of the problem in my home..The project manager should like me but he should not recruit me..I had to prepare my mind for it..Only thing that was required that moment was extreme confidence..I tried my best to boost it up..Beauty always gives confidence and more attitude..So I tried my best to look more beautiful that day..I stood in front of the mirror and said ,Nithya!Be confident. I am always there with you and I love you. It really helped..Because knowing that you have someone to support you and you are not alone boosts up your confidence .In my case I was that someone for me.. I attended the interview. No technical questions were asked..It was a plain interview and they were ready to recruit me..I was really bothered and for my luck , the team manager asked me this question, So ,nithya..careerwise where do you see yourself after five yrs?? me..I smiled and said Definitely not in TCS He was shocked ..So he asked.. may be somewhere in core.. Then why did u choose TCS? Because it was the first company that came for my campus interview.. So..u dont like TCS?? I thought of getting into software because it is a white collared job.People here look professional..look good I said so and smiled.. So u opted this job just for its look.. Not like that..But I am not much interested in software.I did EEE..Planning to get back to my field.I said, though I did not have any plan to get back to my electrical field..I just needed rest .plete rest.. I continued with my lies.. I am also trying for Govt.job? yep!!my parents prefer only that..My father just wants me to be happy.. So what sort of job do u prefer? The work I do should not be a torture to me..It should start only after 10 in the morning and it should end before 6 in the evening..I should get back to home before it is 7 in the evening.. Oh!!but Nithya that is definitely tough here..we work for foreign clients and most of the time we have meeting only after 7 pm I just smiled and then he started talking to me like a friend..The conversation in English switched over to Tamil.. He asked, Nithya!!be frank..You are in TCS now because you have to break ur bond and pay 50000RS if u wanna leave i right?? yes! I said with a confident smile.. when does ur bond end? next march well!10 more months..Look nithyaa..if we recruit u in our project, we will train u but ,if u leave in 10 months, loss is ours..All training goes waste.. I was overwhelmed ..I did not show it in my face..I gave a smile and said , yes ..waste.. Then he asked me.. u have any brother or sister? one younger brother i said. what is he doing now? final yr EEE Normally younger siblings follow their elders words..In ur case??he asked.. Yeah I suggested him EEE I said.. So..After finishing, would u suggest him TCS?? No..not into software..I said strongly. He immediately said, You are a very bad rolemodel to ur brother.. I was damn happy with his role model the inner mind was questioning me..but that was what I wanted in that interview.. Finally he said, It was a frank talk nithya...and thank u.. I clearly understood that The interviewer actually likes me but he does not want to recruit me.. I did not feel like sitting in front of an interviewer .Thank u so much for making me feel comfortable.. I said.. But this was not an interview at all..It was just a talk.. he said with a smile and i left.. Yes!!I considered it as an achievement..I came out with extreme happiness... Looking at me, one of my friends asked, Nithya!!u look so happy today..are u selected in todays interview? No..I am rejected and that is y I am so happyI said and told him everything that happend there.. what do u actually want nithya? he asked.. Dear friend this is not my place..i dont wanna be here i said.. okay!!then i will give u a job..i need a cook..would u like to be a cook in my home?he asked and threw a naughty smile.. I gave a stern look and he said..okay!!!i am sorry but i dont understand u..? you are sitting next to me for the past 5 mins and u say that u dont understand come i expect u to understand me because even that man who knows me very well right from my birth does not understand me.. He looked at me again and said..i pity ur father..It must be realy tough for him to manage someone like u.. I just smiled .. look at the way this building is constructed..beautiful right??which is ur module here? i said looking at those tall buildings trying to divert the topic.. so ..message..nithya.. gives confidence and attitude..but the truth is when u have more confidence and more positive thoughts u really look beautiful.confidence enhances ur beauty..Be confident!!!Be beautiful..and by the way Life is beautiful!!!! Tired of reading ..right??so no need any more messages..just be happy..
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:25:51 +0000

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