It was a warm June night, and the sun was just a glimpse above the - TopicsExpress


It was a warm June night, and the sun was just a glimpse above the beautiful horizon, with a slight breeze as cool as can be, brushing lightly against my skin. I could feel my dark brown hair flowing with the wind as I went round and round in circles, spinning. I closed my eyes and listened to the voices of people talking and laughing. Even with my eyes closed, I could still see the joyful faces of children, their eyes wide with excitement, and their parents watching them carefully, happily and constantly. I smiled as I captured the moment in my head. I made sure to memorize all the details in my head, so I could retell it exactly to my parents. It’s been nearly a week since I last saw them and it would be another month or two until I would see them again. Although before leaving they made me promise to call them whenever I have time but at least, once a week. My parents 20th anniversary was last week, so as my gift, I decided to go stay with my aunt in California for the summer. So I hopped on a plane and went to California as promise as a gift to my parents. As soon as I got there no one was there to pick me up. So it is 6pm when I arrived and I am supposed to be waiting on my aunt so I decided to go to the carnival to wait for her. While walking towards the carnival and seeing all the rides I would like to ride. So as I went round and round in circles on the carousel, my mind drifted to my home back in New Jersey, I felt the carousel slowly come to a stop. I gently opened my eyes and let out a big happy sigh. I laughed as I struggled to get off my carousel horse. Feeling dizzy, I went to find a place to sit or lie down. As I sat down on a nearby bench, my eyes swept the carnival for a corndog stand. Aha. Spotting one, I decide to start walking towards it. Only halfway there, with the knowledge I was supposed to call my aunt, I decided to see what time it was. I looked down in my bag and began searching for my phone. Suddenly, I ran into someone. “Sorry-“, I looked up unexpectedly into the striking blue eyes of a drop dead gorgeous stranger. He looked about my age, if not a year older and was an inch taller than me. No words could even begin to describe him. My heart pounding, I tried to catch my breath. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any hotter, the gorgeous Stranger smiled, making his eyes twinkle in the light and my conclusion rip into shreds. Finally catching my breath again, I tried to unexpectedly speak again. “Sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going, I….My…..Sorry” I stuttered continuously . He laughed, and then smiled again. “Don’t be”, he said. Even the sound of his voice made my heart explode. He held out his hand. “I’m Jonah, by the way “I held out my hand, meeting his. My hand started to tingle. “Skyler’ I said back, matching his smile. “Do you live around here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around town before.” Deep breathes, deep breathes, I thought to myself. “N-No, I’m just visiting my Aunt for the summer. I live in New Jersey. What about you??” I asked. “I moved here about five years ago from Portland Oregon, so I’ve lived here for some time. How long are you staying with your aunt?” His eyes seemed to sink into mine; making it seem as though each thing I said really mattered. As if I truly really mattered. My heart fluttered fast as though it were a butterfly trying to escape it. The odd, yet amazing thing was, that, even though it was breathe taking, I loved the feeling of excitement. I wanted to jump up and scream, as though a bubbly volcano had erupted. I could feel it building inside me, as his eyes continued to stare into mine. I loved the way he_oh, wait, he asked me a question. It was hard to concentrate on anything when I was staring at him. He was so beautiful, with his crazy looking hair, I was doing it again. Okay, Okay, answer the question, Skyler. “F-F-For the summer”, I said. Ahhhh! Why do I keep stuttering? He probably thinks I have a speaking disorder, I thought. He smiled again.” Cool, maybe we can hang out sometime. I would love to show you around town, if you’d like”, he said. Oh yes, Skyler would like, Skyler would like that “Very Much”…. “Sure, that sounds like fun. When would y-“, I started to ask, but suddenly I was cut off by someone. “Jonah! I have been looking all over for you pookie poo! “I turned to see who had rudely interrupted me, and then saw a gorgeous blonde walking toward us with two almost as equally gorgeous girls, one that was taller and the other that is about average height. The one who was taller was also blonde, but the average height one was a brunette. Judging by the way the gorgeous blonde was walking just slightly ahead of them; I could tell she was the leader of their group. And judging by the scary look she was giving me, I could tell she wasn’t too fond of me. Great, I already have someone who hates my guts. I sighed. Super. They all seemed to walk in unison, and as if they owned the entire place, like they were better than everyone else. Their eyes weren’t exactly friendly. As they got closer, I could see two guys with them, who seemed to trail the other two like little puppies, obviously their boyfriends. I realized in disappointment that the leader didn’t seem to have one, but apparently wanted one, by the seducing look she was giving Jonah. My stomach turned. “Hey Tara. Hey Steph, hey Tammie. What’s up John, Caleb?” Jonah said to them all, giving me an apologetic look. So the leader was Tara, the two behind her were Steph and Tammie, and the guys were John and Caleb, I thought, hoping I could remember which one is which. As they reached where we were standing, Tara went and stood by Jonah; very close, I might add, while the others sort of circled around. Tara wrapped her arms around Jonah. “Where have you been, we looked all over for you!” she said. She gave me a dirty look. “Who are you? Girl! Someone call B**** 911. I smiled at my little snide comment, and was tempted to laugh when I saw that my little grin seemed to annoy Tara. Jonah, however, seemed to look amused again. With a deep breath, I told myself that I would remain neutral if anything should happen. At least for now, HeHe. “Hi, I’m Skyler. I’m visiting here from New Jersey for the summer.”Nice. I smiled to myself. Let’s just hope I could stay calm for the rest of the night. Tammie seemed to manage to give me a forced smile, but I could tell from the look on her face what she was really thinking; she’s staying for the whole summer!!! Like I would make it my goal to ruin her summer. Sheesh. “So how do you know Jonah?” Tammie asked. I could feel her eyes looking me up and down. “Actually, we just met. I just sort of accidently ran into him” I could feel my cheeks getting warm as I looked down at the ground. When I looked up, my eyes met Jonah’s and once again the butterflies were back in action. “Oh, so do you always talk to strangers?”she asked. Just the Hot ones. I knew it was meant to be a dig, but I decided that I it was probably best to act naive. I smiled at Tammie, trying to make it at least look sort of real.”I guess I just like meet new people.” I smiled brightly at Jonah purposefully, knowing it would make Tammie mad. I could already see the fire in her eyes, but it didn’t matter nearly as much as it did to see that Jonah was impressed. I guess he was used to Tammie’s, well, rudeness... At least now I knew it wasn’t personal…I think. I suddenly felt closed in and panicky. I just wanted to get away somewhere, anywhere other than right here with Tammie giving me the evil eye, her friends doing the same, while the guys talked about whatever it is they were talking about. I looked at Jonah out of the corner of my eye to see if he felt the way I did. He seemed to be listening to John tell some story about football, but didn’t seem too into to it. When his eyes met mine, they seemed to hold a question. A question that I smiled back to in reply. He knew exactly what I wanted. “So, anyone wants to ride the Ferris wheel?” he asked, looking right at me. His eyes seemed to light up, as if we were sharing a joke that only me and him shared. “That sounds like fun”, I said. I couldn’t help but smile. A few minutes ago, watching a turtle race would have been fun, but sitting in a Ferris wheel, alone with Jonah, sounded……amazing. Like him. “I was actually about to get a hotdog,” John said. He looked at Caleb, who seemed to nod his head in agreement as if to say’ Yes, me want hotdog too’. I laughed inwardly and shook my head. . Guys. They can be so…..simple. But if they were so simple, wouldn’t I be able to tell if Jonah thought I was cute, or if he was just showing the new girl around to be nice? I guess I was going to have to find out. “Well, I want to go ride the Ferris wheel” Tammie declared, smiling sweetly at Jonah. Then to my disappointment, he smiled back. Though I felt as if my heart had been crushed, I did my best to keep a smile on my face. Suddenly I just wanted to go home. Jonah must have noticed the look on my face when he smiled back at Tara. He looked at me with soft eyes and smiled. A smile that I couldn’t help but smile back to. Even if he didn’t like me the way I wanted him to, just being around him was good enough for me. “Great, then we better start walking over there before the line gets even longer. We’ll meet you guys at the hotdog stand after, okay?’ Jonah said, looking at Caleb and John. They nodded and started heading in the other direction along with Steph. “I’m not hungry, so I’ll just go with you guys”, Tara said. As we started walking toward the Ferris wheel, I felt Jonah sort of drift back so he was walking right beside me. I could feel his jacket brushing against my arm, heat radiating off it. It made all the rest of my body feel warm inside. I had a feeling my cheeks were the color of cherries right now. It seemed like the walk to the Ferris wheel was taking forever. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tammie slowly drift back to Jonahs other side. I could feel my blood boiling. At just that moment, we passed a crowd of people, making it impossible for all three of us to walk side by side at the same time. I took a deep breath, told myself to let it go, and walked a few steps up to where Tara was standing. When she saw me she gave me a disgusted look and quickly looked the other way as if I weren’t there. Or so she wished. How did my life get so filled with drama so fast? I asked myself. I felt like someone had just let the air out of my happy balloon. Still, I walked with my head high and shoulders broad. It’s called self respect, I thought with a grin, or at least a half grin. Finally, we reached the line to the Ferris wheel, which was surprisingly short. I looked at Tara to see if she could possibly bare to sit with me for five minutes and was surprised to see that somewhere along the walk, she picked up two people. Talk about spaced out. There was a girl, who gave me a semi-smile, which wasn’t too bad, compared to the look on Tara’s face. The guy beside her looked at me with friendly eyes, something I hadn’t seen since Jonah talked to me. He smiled, his brown eyes sparkling. I smiled back warmly, glad to have someone actually welcome me. “Hi, I’m Micah”, he said with a surprisingly gentle voice. “And you are?” “New”, I said with a grin. “So I noticed”, he said jokingly. “I meant what’s your name?” I started to answer, but was cut off by Tammie (there’s a shocker) who was having a hushed argument with Jonah. They stopped when we turned to stare, but I had a feeling they were talking about me. I strained my ears, trying to hear what Tammie was now whispering to Jonah. “………nice to her, if you sit with me...”I heard her say in a persuading tone. I felt ticked off all over again. I didn’t want her to be nice to me, she can hate for all I care. I just wanted Jonah. I must have had a look on my face, because Micah gave me a weird look. “Sorry”, I said. He looked alarm. “Did I say something? Cause you don’t have to tell me your name if it’s against your New Jersey rules or something. “, he said with a retreating smile. I laughed, surprising myself. It felt good though, like a weight being lifted. “No, its fine. My name is Skyler. I would tell you I’m from New Jersey, but looks like you already knew that”, I said with a curious look on my face. He chuckled. “I heard Miss ‘stick up her butt’ telling Jenna about you.”, he said gesturing to Tara.” Here for the whole summer huh?” I shrugged and smiled. “Looks like it.” “You don’t sound too thrilled about it.”, he said giving me a playful, sad puppy face. I laughed. “No, I’m glad, it’s just” I glanced at Jonah talking to Tammie. ”…I don’t know” I said. “Ahhhh, I see what you mean. You’ve got the Jonah syndrome. A very common virus here in California.” He nodded knowingly. I smiled for what seemed like the billionth time while talking to Micah. “Oh really?” I acted surprised, even though we both knew it was obvious that Jonah was practically irresistible. “Oh yes, I’ve seen it many times before. In fact you could call me an expert on it”, he said thoughtfully. I put my hand on my head in despair. I sighed loudly. “Oh, dear, I hope it’s not deadly! Is there, by any chance, a cure?” I took a flirtatious step towards him. ‘Well I have seen one antidote that seems to work.” He smiled a devilish gleam in his eyes. I opened my eyes wide and gasped. “Huh! And what would that be?” He slowly put his arm around me.” I’m really not supposed to tell but…..He leaned in and whispered in my ear. “It’s a type of medicine called ‘Micah-dote’. I hear it works like a charm.” I laughed. Suddenly, I realized how quiet it seemed. Oh crap. I quickly took a step away from Micah and turned to see Tara, Jenna, Jonah, and Tammie staring at us. “Well, you sure work fast don’t you?” Tammie said with a sneer. I rolled my eyes. I was sick or her crap. I looked at Jonah, but he was just staring blankly at the bench beside us. “Don’t be jealous, Tammie. We all know your just mad at Skyler because she actually has a shot with Jonah, while you don’t.”, Micah said. I looked at him, surprised, and then smiled. He gave me a reassuring glance. “Don’t you agree Jonah?” he said, jokingly. Tammie obviously couldn’t take it anymore. She turned and stormed off, Tara quickly doing the same. Jonah finally laughed. He looked at Micah shaking his head. “Man, you’re going to get your head bitten off.” Micah pretended to brush it off. “Nah, she won’t eat me. Too many calories.” He smiled. “So are we going to ride this wheel thingy or what?” He roped his arm through Jenna’s. “See you guys”, he said winking. I watched him and Jenna get on and smiled. We were next. I looked at Jonah. “So…I guess it’s just you and me...” He smiled back. “Ya.” He gently took my hand and led me to the gate. ‘”Next!” the ticket guy said. “That’d be us, thanks” Jonah said smiling. I almost screamed. He said ‘us’. -?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:14:16 +0000

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