It was about six years back,I was travelling with my son to - TopicsExpress


It was about six years back,I was travelling with my son to Bangalore to meet my daughter who had recently joined a son was doing his graduation at that time,it was our first journey to South and as the train reached at night we were bit apprehensive.Among many passengers travelling with us was a Muslim soft ware engineer along with his school going sister in law ,as we were near our destination my son expressed his anxiety,the gentle man suggested it was safe to take a post paid taxi as it is registered and no risk is involved .It so happened that the train halted on a small station nearer to our destination and every one was in a hurry to get down my son and myself quickly grabbed our luggage and rushed to get down,soon the train left .I heard some one calling me when I looked back I found the same gentleman with his sister in law she handed me my hand bag which in a hurry I had left behind,inside it there were keys my cell phone and some jewellery .this gesture overwhelmed us I had no words to thank them.It was not only that he negotiated with a taxi and when we sat inside it ,he gave his number to my son and requested him to call him once we reach our destination . Many years have passed and whenever I read some people trying to create communal hatred by their opinion I feel sad.People are good or bad it has nothing to do with a community.It is my humble request to netas of any community please dont spread hatred in name of religion,no religion teaches to hate.The public figures should keep in mind they are playing a dangerous game with psyche of young India which are easily misled with their adrenaline pumping up leading to chaos and blood shed.It is not good for any country
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 08:39:58 +0000

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