It was about this time 16 years ago that Leslie Copeland Tune - TopicsExpress


It was about this time 16 years ago that Leslie Copeland Tune called me and said that her water broke. At the time she and Romal were attending Duke Divinity School. I called my boss Reggie and told him that I was headed to North Carolina Leslies water broke. Back in 1998, I had my Fire Red Geo Prism by Chevrolet. I pulled out of my garage around 8:30am and arrived in Raleigh, at around 3:30pm. Allegedly I was going above the speed limit, I will not confirm nor deny that fact. But as Papa Finch said isnt it 6 hours to Richmond Virginia and isnt Raleigh 3 hours from there? Again I will not confirm nor deny my alleged speed. I went by the Wendys got a chicken sandwich and fries and chocolate shake. When I arrived at the hospital they had Leslie walking and her friend Iris was there with her. This particular hospital had birthing roomsvwhere several family members could wait. Around 8:30pm contractions began and after refusing the epidural Leslie soon went into full blown labor. I watched with away as Aman Victoria came out with a head full of hair and her eyes wide open. Apparently my quick meal from Wendys was not enough because somehow I became faint (due to low blood sugar in my opinion and that is the story I am sticking with) and was caught by a couple of nurses before I hit the ground. The last thing I remembered hearing was the doctor saying somebody catch the sister. After gathering my faculties I got a chance to hold a very long baby. The End #lovemyniece #weareboth1stborns #specialbond #sheisstillnotgettingmycarthough
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 11:42:49 +0000

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