It was at this point that I realised that Maharaj really did - TopicsExpress


It was at this point that I realised that Maharaj really did accept that this man had realised the Self. Rudi then asked Maharaj for advice on what he should do when he returned to Canada. I thought that it was a perfectly appropriate question for a disciple to ask a Guru on such an occasion, but Maharaj seemed to take great exception to it. How can you ask a question like that if you are in the state of the Self? Dont you know that you dont have any choice about what you do or dont do? Rudi kept quiet. I got the feeling that Maharaj was trying to provoke him into a quarrel or an argument, and that Rudi was refusing to take the bait. At some point Maharaj asked him, Have you witnessed your own death? and Rudi replied No. Maharaj then launched into a mini-lecture on how it was necessary to witness ones own death in order for there to be full realisation of the Self. He said that it had happened to him after he thought that he had fully realised the Self, and it wasnt until after this death experience that he understood that this process was necessary for final liberation. Maharaj continued to pester Rudi about the necessity of witnessing death, but Rudi kept quiet and just smiled beatifically. He refused to defend himself, and he refused to be provoked. Anyway, I dont think he was in any condition to start and sustain an argument. Whatever state he was in seemed to be compelling all his attention. I got the feeling that he found articulating even brief replies hard work. Finally, Rudi addressed the question and said, Why are you getting so excited about something that doesnt exist? I assumed he meant that death was unreal, and as such, was not worth quarrelling about. Maharaj laughed, accepted the answer and gave up trying to harass him. Have you ever had a teacher like me? demanded Maharaj, with a grin. No, replied Rudi, and have you ever had a disciple like me? They both laughed and the dialogue came to an end.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 02:54:17 +0000

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