It was brought to my attention by a friend that they viewed on - TopicsExpress


It was brought to my attention by a friend that they viewed on facebook on more than one instance people were talking about my sales posts. This information took me off guard as I did not know people were openly discussing displeasure about me and my efforts online. We have been selling personal items we have had in storage for some time and reselling other pieces. We needed to supplement our income with the expansion of our family and instead of sitting around and complaining or asking for a handout, I started this effort which I have enjoyed. I have met some extremely nice people, been able to bless a few people who had their own needs and have 1000% less stress than with my full time job. I am a member of about 40 online sales groups and am the founder of Free Classifieds Northwest Ohio which is the largest group around with 16,000+ members. I did not realize that every time I posted something to one of these groups or our large group that I have to monitor daily, that it showed up on the wall of my facebook friends (sometimes I post 40+ times within a few minutes when we list a new item so it shows up on their wall the same number of times). I also did not know the group I created for our resale efforts added people multiple times. Off to the side of the group was suggested members section and we simply invited them to join the group, not knowing they were saying no to becoming members but then it would suggest adding them again once they declined. I will seek a way to avoid annoying non interested parties who want to keep in touch personally but not professionally with our posts. Im not sure of the solution as of yet outside of unfriending people. I have actually gained a bunch of friends and followers because people wanted to see our new furniture and assorted item postings, so again, not sure of the solution. Per my prior posts over the years I would love to figure out a way of separating personal from professional social media interaction, this problem just proves this. I do understand having multiple posts show up on a social media wall in this manner would be annoying and apologize. I personally do not look at my facebook wall as I have like 1,800 friends and have no time to sort through thousands of comments daily. I will begin to remove members of our sales group one at a time which will probably take until sunup as it takes about 10 seconds per member to remove and all have to be taken down before you can terminate a group.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 05:38:17 +0000

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