It was class 9th parents teachers meeting...He saw her for the - TopicsExpress


It was class 9th parents teachers meeting...He saw her for the first time..For her he was still not existing... actually he was a year senior to her.. He was in her class cuz of his sister who was classmate of that girl.. the girl had bful writing that was being shown by her sister to his mother... it was all normal.. bt they both didnt knew theres something else going in cupids mind.. Years passed actually 2 years..she was now in class 11th and he was in class 12th, last year of his school... Nothing changed till now except the girl.. she became more bful with the passing time..she was a chubby bubbly natured girl with the fairest complexion deep n dark black eyes always outlined by most shiny kohl which made her look more bful...a cute little nose and her perfect lips always smiling...Her waist length hair made her look really beautiful... she was beauty with creativity..yeah thats how she could be perfectly described... Aisha..this was her name.. Carefree in attitude never worried about anything always laughing n making others laugh too and teachers favourite..Her life was perfect free of all drama n chaos..yes she was happy in her own world.. it was 11th when Aakriti n Aisha started bonding.. Aakriti was the sister of that guy who noticed Aisha in PTM..Aakriti already had a best friend Richael.. The interesting part was that Aisha n Richael didnt get along well with each other so Aakriti had to suffer.. they went through all sort of fight bt at the end of the day They were together because of Aakriti... It was month of November it was going to be exhibition month of their school. . They three decided to take part in hindi and physics projects...Aisha was master in field of creativity bt mediocre in studies.. Aakriti was balanced in both..And Richael was bright in studies bt not so good in creativity. . So here Aisha was the main heroine for the projects... For hindi it was all set bt Aisha bt physics she had no clue actually they all had no clue..So Aakriti suggested to gather at her house so that his bother could help them with physics model..they all agreed.. For the first time Aisha was allowed by their parents to go somewhere. . Like it was all destined. .A mutual friend Diksha also joined them. They all went to Aakritis house bt there was something strange with Aisha... She was feeling something that is not easy to describe n at the same time someone else was also sailing in same boat... they all were working bt Aakritis brother did not come to help them.. Aisha thought him to be proudy..yeah he was very intelligent.. time passed bt it was all futile.. as said girls in group can only gossip. . Aisha had to leave so Diksha went with her with the plan of coming back again... so they left..Finally the day came... it was grand exhibition being held in their school...Aisha was successful in making a beautiful hindi model that almost everybody appreciated...Actually Aisha was known for her art n creativity all through the school n Among teachers also.. She was liked even by the most strict teachers of her school.. Cuz of her creativity Aisha took part in bio model also.. Aisha was standing with her model looking bful in her uniform with the dark blue blazer that complimented her looks.. He came to her.. HE.. Aakrits brother. . For the first time she noticed him.. He had above average height. .His eyes ghosh one of the most expressive things of this world.. He was perfectly dressed looking dashing even in the boring school uniform. .He asked softly.. can u explain your model? Aisha being one of those girls who can talk non stop was silent... She was lost.. She was in thoughts of Abhimanyu.. yeah it was his name...somehow she came back to the world and explained him the model...He stood their smiling with his bunch of friends making Aisha more nervous... Finally the day came to an end the winners were going to be announced... All were excited...Aisha got the prize for hindi model and Aakriti and Rachel too.. bt Aisha also got the prize for bio.. They all were happy. Aakriti went to show her prize to Abhimanyu... Aisha and Rachel joined her.. Aakriti said to Abhimanyu see we won to which Abhimanyu replied yeah just because of Aisha they both smiled..a smile was the first thing shared by them..Nothing really changed by passing days bt yet there was change all around... Aakriti used to talk about Abhimanyu all day long to Aisha making Aisha fall for him.. yeah she was.. He was perfect. . Perfect In football, basketball, volleyball, chess, cricket and almost in every game.. above all he was amazingly intelligent... that was all about him making Aisha crazy over him... It was last November when he was selected for project to go to B.H.U and she was selected for painting...Yeah they were selected for things they were best at.. They went to B.H.U on 1st of December... Yes the most memorable day for both of them...They talked to each other. Even in the conference hall Aisha was turning back to talk to him cuz he was sitting right at the back of her...It was dark cuz presentation was going on bt they both kept talking... day ended bt many new things were going to start.. fortune had so much in store for them... after going home Aisha decided to send him request on fb and did so.. He accepted and there unending chats started.. they used to talk about everything... He used to tease her saying the pcb students are idiots n all.. she used to laugh and aimlessly argue with him just because she wanted to talk to him..time passed flying... it was feb.. preparations for farewell were going on.. he enquired whether she is taking part or not.. She replied yes for someone special Im taking part.. he replied who is he??? She told many senior girls who know me have requested me .Somewhere he wished to listen his name bt somewhere she was afraid to express... She danced.. She danced for him... he saw her.. he saw just her...looking the most beautiful among all the girls in her red frock suit.. many people complimented her.. but she was waiting to listen it from him... that day in farewell she saw another Abhimanyu... playing with friends and the flowers he got in welcome...with every passing day she got more and more in love with soon as she went home she logged in on fb... There was a msg.. she prayed it to be from Abhimanyu.. and yes it was.. it was from him saying.. you were looking really beautiful today He also posted a status saying thanks to all his juniors... From that day he named her Snow White yeah for him she was Snow White fairest of all..everything was perfect.. love was all around... Aisha was dying to listen from Abhimanyu about his feelings that she was now somewhere familiar with.. They chatted almost everyday waiting for each other to come online, teasing each other was now a part of their lives..They both cared about each other... ofcourse they were in love it was now just the matter of confession... It was 6th of February 2013 it was drizzling.. And as usual they both were chatting... Suddenly Abhimanyu said Aisha I like you.. Like every girl Aisha was on cloud nine.. She was happy to the core.. n stupidly she asked like? Like in what sense? He got really confused by her question..he said what that means?? I like you thats it...I dont know how, when, why, where I fell in love with those stupid chats or just by the charm of your smile bt yes I like you.. I like you a lot... To this Aisha replied Yes I like you too. They both were still too shy to say those three magical words to each other...Abhimanyu came to school daily to pick up Aakriti and Aisha use to come with Aakriti till the road as Abhimanyu stood at s distance from the school.. Aisha and Abhimanyu just smiled seeing each other... Both of them never talked to each other.. Fb was the place for showcase of all emotions. ..It was 11th feb 2013 unexpectedly but finally Abhimanyu proposed her on fb.. he said those magical words with a beautiful shayri and a long message...last lines of that message were I love you Aisha. I love you a lot my Snow White..You mean the world to me... You mean everything to me bt my family is my priority... Aisha was expecting that proposal but not at that day..She went offline.. Abhimanyu got really terrified thinking may be he made Aisha angry.. he lost her.. he lost his Aisha... he constantly kept on messaging her. .Finally after half an hour she replied... Abhimanyus complete name was Abhimanyu Singh so Aisha called him A.S.! For the world he was Abhimanyu bt for her he was his A.S. She replied him~ A.S. I would have been a little confused for accepting your proposal but the last line of your message made everything clear... I love you too. .I love you a lott. Im really impressed as a person who can love his family so much then how lucky must be his Girlfriend...They both confessed their love to each other... It was valentines day when they decided to tell about their relationship to everyone first one to know about it was Aakriti.. Her reaction to this was strange but more tham that Richael reaction was wierd.. Richael opposed it the most among everyone who came to know about it... That day all those people made Aisha and Abhimanyu realise that there is a big wall standing in between both of them.. That wall was that they both were from different RELIGIONS. Yeah people made them realise this for the first time... they both were sad after realising it...everyone along with Aakriti and Abhimanyus best friends opposed it strongly and advised Aisha and Abhimanyu to get separated as this is not so late to forget everything. As in future with time they will get more attached to each other.. Abhimanyu said to Aisha~ we will do what you say.. That day Aisha cried..She cried for the first time those were the first tears of love... Abhimanyu called her. . She didnt picked the call.. He knew she was crying. . He messaged her the song Kuch iss tarah..She smiled cuz of that message even when she was sobbing just at mere the thought of loosing his day Abhimanyu asked what Aisha has decided?.. Aisha messaged him.. See A.S I dont know till when we will be together... but I want to be with you till when it is possible..I love you and will always love you. .You are my first and last love. so that day they decided to be together till then when they are not separated by destiny. In the beginning it was all just like a fairy tale.. But they were opposite to each other. .Exactly opposite... He preferred old songs and she was a girl of 21st century... moreover she was outspoken, extrovert, confident girl... Where he was silent, shy, and a bit introvert type of as said opposite attract and in their case attraction was strongest...One month passed bt they never talked to each other on call.. yeah Aisha called Aakriti so sometimes he use to pick up the phone but they talked just like strangers.. Moreover they rarely said I love u to each other... it was really different from others there love story was different. It was this era So advance in terms of technology they still wrote love letter to each other that was transferred via Aakriti as she was the common link..not normal love letters those love letters were upto fifteen to twenty pages. ..they both wrote about everything also about things that they were not able to say on phone calls. .it was the cutest thing about their love.. .Aisha found his every habit cute.. he never said take care. .he used to say Garnier..cuz it means take care. .Yes they both were crazy.. when two people are in love the way they talk can be understood by them was true in their case... Soon they started talking on phone..about each and everything... Future plans etc..then the duration of the phone calls increased... One day they talked till 5 am in the morning...That day was one of the most memorable day for them..That day Abhimanyu confessed a lot of things like how he was teased by others by pairing him with one of his classmate Aditi..... he was also attracted to her..but later on he found that girl to be a big flirt...since then he distanced himself from girls.. He told how he never went to the water cooler Of there school bt just to see Aisha he was always ready to go there as Aishas classroom was near the water cooler area...Aisha loved hearing this from Abhimanyu... He told how he waited for her to come online....How beautiful her eyes are that were sparkling every time she turned back in B.H.U conference hall to talk to him. He told her how beautiful she is.. She was feeling herself to be really lucky.. they both that day Went to Sleep Really Happy...It now Abhimanyu was Aishas shona ♡ and Aisha was Abhimanyus jaanu ♡... There love was different from all.. it was the purest and pious form of love. They met often at the back side of there school after Aishas classes were over..Now almost entire school knew about them.. Aisha loved when other teased her with Abhimanyus name...Abhimanyu always told Aisha that he is afraid to touch her as she is too soft and mild....Aisha found it strange bt even loved this thing about him..he rarely held her hand..that moment were magical for them.. one day he asked Aisha to come to his home as it was easy for them and till now Aakriti and Aisha became bestest friends... they became soul sisters. Aakriti managed everything so she was going to come in the morning but somehow the plan didnt worked out.. Abhimanyu got upset...he was really irritated...And to his surprise Aisha visited his home in evening... He was surprised, happy, excited all at same time.. Abhimanyus family liked Aisha a lot.. especially his younger sister and his mother. They appreciated her beauty.. So her mother made maggy for Aisha and she went to the neighbourhood as she had some work.. that day they were favoured by god even... Aakriti handled the situation well..he took ashmi (Aakritis and Abhimanyus younger sister) with her to the Kitchen to make tea for them.. It was the best time for Aisha and Abhimanyu... they were together and alone for the first time...Aishas heart was beating fast.. she was feeling shy..Abhimanyu came her that closer for the first time.. he held her hand pulled her closer.. kissed her and as he was going to hugg her Aakriti came singing they both got distanced... Aisha was blushing all the while..they were feeling like the time should freeze they were loving that moment...but as said time flies when you are with your loved ones...time passed Aisha went back home but they got the most memorable and beautiful day of their lives... They were the happiest in each others company... but destiny had its own plans...Abhimanyu always asked Aisha why she chose him? She could have got anyone as she so beautiful... He is nothing in front of her.. To this Aisha always replied you can only understand what you mean to me and what you are for me when you will see yourself from my eyes... it was December 2014 when Abhimanyu read some of Aishas chats..He didnt liked them at all.. that was the first time they fought and that reason of fighting became the reason of their separation somewhere... Soon there views about each other started changing.. Aisha thought Abhimanyu to be a very mature person bt he was a child by heart of course Aisha loved it but at times it was difficult to explain him anything as he refused to listen to everything...then came another bad phase of their relationship... Aisha had a habit of talking to everyone this was hated by Abhimanyu...He asked her to stop talking to everyone she even did so but things take time to change but Abhimanyu like a child wanted all and everything at once which Was impossible...they realised they both were different of what they thought each other to be... You start to know someone when you share your everything with them..its not wrong that you cannot judge a book by its cover.. but their love was strong enough to handle everything.. but once because of a Abhimanyus friend who showed a different type of interest in Aisha thats why Abhimanyu didnt liked him much they both had a fight because Abhimanyu asked Aisha not to talk to him but due to some reasons Aisha had to talk to him..Now Abhimanyu and Aisha fought on every small things... the distances between were growing... Aisha was wrong at many places bt Abhimanyu was no less culprit.. Aisha loved him more than anything but he was not ready to forget the past mistakes of Aisha... Somewhere Aisha was breaking day by day... They both loved each other a lot but somewhere now ego was creating its space..they both were not ready to resolve the issues between them...After sometime things got better.. Again the love won over ego and misunderstandings..but now Aisha was restricted to talk to anyone to wear clothes that are full sleeves etc. . But Aisha was even ready to do all that..but kehte hai na kabhi kabhi hamare pyaar ko hamari hi nazar lagg jati hai.. same happened with them..Again they started fighting over small issues...this time even Valentines day was not that special... The love was loosing its charm.. It was April Aishas birthday... Abhimanyu fought with her even on that day.. he destroyed her 18th birthday instead of making it special and worst part was the issue on which he was fighting To her in that case Aisha was innocent... Aisha cried all day and night on her birthday....Abhimanyu now least cared about her tears... now the texts likelove you shona.. kya kar rahi meri jaanu? Love u jaanemann Were all somewhere lost in the past...Aisha tried her best to make Abhimanyu happy but she was not getting successful in doing so.. Slowly slowly their relationship became was now a matter of past.. one night they fought again and on same old reasons like why Aisha talks to boys and all..Abhimanyu was not ready to forget anything...Aisha was now tired of explaining him...she just cried.. Aisha was a kind of girl who rarely cried but after falling in love she always cried...that day something happened that made Aisha give up on her love..Abhimanyu abused her.. Nobody ever even talked to her in harsh voice... She broke completly..she said she is breaking up with him but it was not Abhimanyus intention to do so... He was sorry.. he was really sorry.. he even cried asking Aisha to forgive him... Aisha loved him so how she could have seen her love crying..she forgave him..That day he promised he wont ever hurt his Snow White again... Things were alright now..but that charm disappeared... Somehow they both were trying to make things back to normal... but god was even now not happy with this love affair... Some blank calls started coming on Aishas mother phone... that person told everything to Aishas mother... Her mother was angry... She was More angry because Abhimanyu was a hindu guy.. Aisha still managed things somehow but again Abhimanyu bought the past issues between them...Now Aisha was fed up of everything..On one side her mother gave her last warning and on the other side her love, her life was not supporting him at all..Instead he was fighting with her..Those were the worst days of Aishas life..she decided to give up on her love because of her family and especially her father who was her life as her mother said that if she doesnt breaks her connections with Abhimanyu she will tell it all to her father... She was living a life where there was no one for her support everyone was making her life hell..that sweet, innocent girl was lost somewhere... when she asked Abhimanyu for break up he started blackmailing her that he will tell everything to her father... She was broken because she had to leave Abhimanyu, she had to give up the reason for her smile... and on the other hand Abhimanyu the person she loved the most, who was the reason for her smile is now the reason behind her tears...Now Aishas mother kept an eye on every action of Aisha...ofcourse She was worried she was a mother and didnt wanted anything that would harm her daughter... she knew well that the relationship of Aisha and Abhimanyu has no future and it would not be good for Aisha if her father comes to know about it..Aishas father was a person with a touch of orthodox thinking in terms of these things.. What Aishas mother was doing was For Aishas Aisha could rarely message Abhimanyu even if she wanted to do..this irritated Abhimanyu also..and rarely when they talked they fought over issues like why she didnt messaged him..This made Aisha even more sad that instead of understanding her Abhimanyu fights with her over the issues on which she needs his support.. She just needed love from Abhimanyu but somewhere Abhimanyu was too concern about everything else..Now she decided that she would leave Abhimanyu. Because they both are hurting each other more and more by being together...It was August month of Abhimanyus birthday... Aisha did not wish him she couldnt because her mother was not letting her touch the cellphones even.. She cried a lot.. crying was now a daily routine for Aisha... Next day she got a message from Abhimanyu saying that she forgot his birthday.. How could she?? Aisha was again hurt to the core how could Abhimanyu think that she could forgot about his birthday. .How can anyone forget about her can anyone forget breathing..she cried but now she was more sure about the decision of was 14th August Aisha did her last message to Abhimanyu... A.S I didnt knew we would end up like this...but them time spent with you was the most beautiful part of my life... every moment of those one and a half year with you was a heaven for me..I loved you more than anything and will always love you but now it is better if we get separated... Dont ever think that your Snow would betray you... You were my first and last love..Nobody will ever be in my life again.. I love you shona even more than my life..I hope you become IAS and all your wishes come true.. I will always be with you in your memories...Apna khayal rakhiyega..Take your meals at time aur khush rahiyega and sorry for everything. .bye forever. Snow White.. Like this ended a beautiful love story... Abhimanyu tried his best to contact Aisha but he failed in doing so... Now I think he has moved on his life..yes its easy for boys I think... bt Aisha still cries every night because month has passed bt still she not able to take him out of her mind... taking him out from her heart was now not possible. She sacrificed her love for him..for his and her family for her father.. but she lost her first love..she still cries every night in his memories... can you tell what was Aishas mistake? This that she loved a boy from another religion.. or this that she was beautiful..I think both.. Because for society she was wrong because she loved a boy of different religion... and for Abhimanyu because she was beautiful so she could not be trusted...her beauty became the most unfortunate thing for her... Aisha still misses him a lott now everything is normal in her family but she knows if she returns to Abhimanyu again the history would repeat itself... Yes she lives daily and dies daily... Smiles in front of others cries when alone.. Every single thing makes her remember him.. the rain... Someones touch..her eyes that Abhimanyu loved... her long hairs that Abhimanyu asked never to get them short.. every single thing reminds her of him, of his A.S, of his shona, of his love that is no more her.. She chose to be a daughter before a lover... Was she wrong???? By Shifa ( A Page reader )
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 05:30:00 +0000

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