It was destiny, I suppose, that my career in Audio-Visuals gave me - TopicsExpress


It was destiny, I suppose, that my career in Audio-Visuals gave me the privilege of listening to and learning from some of finest minds ever. British Council had arranged renowned Quantum Scientist, Stephen Hawkings presentation for a select gathering in Mumbai. At the end of it, was the Q & A session. One of the audience asked him, You have achieved so much despite your disability. Dont you think, if God had been kinder, you could have achieved much more? Without a seconds hesitation came the reply I have no complaints. Life is beautiful This was met with a standing ovation by everyone of the 1000+ audience. This came from a man, who can hardly move any muscle of his body due a very rare form of Sclerosis, who had been given less than three years to live by his Doctors. In fact, he speaks with help of a speech synthesizer which interprets words sensing his slightest of movements. Recalling the event, own Audio Visual set up for his presentation was done under extreme stress: due to high security concerns, his team arrived barely minutes before scheduled time. To thank us for our efficiency, his personal aide gifted me with a printout of his Power Point presentation under the strict condition that I would not use it for commercial use. If one chooses to, one can receive #inspiration from so many sources.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 14:01:49 +0000

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