It was in the early years of jackSOUL where we found our sound - - TopicsExpress


It was in the early years of jackSOUL where we found our sound - our thing that was built on the genius of musical giants and we were just there trying to add something fresh and new to the establishment. I didnt know much about songwriting back then, so did my best to keep up with Haydain because he wrote furiously on whatever was around as the ideas would come so quickly and I was always amazed at how much music he could get out of his 4 track (held together by rubber bands, worn and torn...) the harmonies and acapella arrangements.... it was like nothing Id ever heard! Man that was the sh*t! The core of his sound, weaving endless melodies stacking vocals creating chords... and he used to say things like - singing the note youre not playing... or A great singer should be able to make a song work in any key and kill it even if they cant hear themselves. Things I often find myself repeating. That was how he thought, always keeping it moving towards a goal and never taking your eye off the prize. In that sense, he reminded me of Miles Davis, champion of the old school, and in as much could floor an audience with a high energy gut bucketed power-note... Hed know exactly when to step back, let his band loose and always gave us the chance to shine up on that relentless often unforgiving stage... a most gracious MC and consummate vocalist for the bed wed laid... sometimes turning his back to the audience... just to amp up... always right there with us. He also reminded me of Marvin Gaye, often deeply cut by the injustices of the world. I would rarely get a glimpse of Haydains pain directly, because hed hide it behind his thick framed glasses and believed that love and infectious, confectious groove could heal the world - or a least provide a temporary haven where people could forget about their problems on the dance-floor. It was a sort of religion to him, and I believe that this music stayed in his heart, dedicated and persevering, no matter what the odds, it was how he lived his life. - absolute, up until his last breath, his music safely taking him into the next. Thank-you Haydain, for showing me the absolute standard of must be done, when baring ones musical soul to the world while were here for the little time weve been given. Rest in peace my brother.... youre finally the absolute light, colour & sound we starting searching for many many years ago. Brent Setterington Keyboardist, co-writer
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 16:52:47 +0000

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