It was just a simple ball game. A chance to provide some kids some - TopicsExpress


It was just a simple ball game. A chance to provide some kids some entertainment and me some distraction. And that was all it was supposed to be. However, like many things I face lately, it turned into an educational experience. My brother joined me a few weeks ago as I brought three pre-teens with me to catch a minor league game. A sweet girl (most times), her brother and her brothers friend kept me company. About 4 innings into the game the brother was being a typical little brother and annoying his big sister. And the sister was simply egging him on. Finally I looked at the boys and told them that they may enjoy the game from seats next to the dugout. As a matter of fact, they may get a ball tossed to them. They jumped at the chance and left us alone. After about 45 minutes the big sister looked at me and said, Where are the boys? I showed her where they were sitting and she sat with her arms crossed watching them. Humph. I wish theyd come back up here. I asked her why she would want them nearby since they would only be annoying her. She let me know that it didnt matter that they annoyed her, she still wanted them near. Wanda did very little to annoy me. Im sure she did a lot less to annoy me than I did to annoy her. But I would give anything if she were here to annoy me right now. Those little things that once worked under my skin like a splinter at times are such a minor wound compared to the gaping hole her loss has left me with. I know I have mentioned it before, but in case you didnt catch it the first time, learn to love your people in spite of their little idiosyncrasies. You never know when youll miss the fact that your wife always spent too long locking things down before a trip out of town. Or when you will recognize dust piling up that she would be cleaning over and over if she were here. Or the number of shoes she had that were so similar. Or the outfits she would make you choose from knowing whatever choice you made she would come back with the other on. You may even miss the fights. You will certainly miss making up. Yes, I would love to be annoyed right now. And I would love to make up.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:26:23 +0000

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