It was midnight and I still up reading my Ministry of the word. I - TopicsExpress


It was midnight and I still up reading my Ministry of the word. I was really enjoy His word then I start to Pray and thank him for Hes love and Hes heart for His People. You can pray this prayer too and see what God blessing in your life, let Pray; Dear Lord Jesus, before I do anything or even pray anything, I would like to exercise my spirit to offer up to You the sacrifice of praise. I would not wait until the end to praise You but I would praise You now. Regardless of what my personal situation may be, in faith and in love I rise above it in the mingled spirit to say, Praise the Lord! I do not praise first for what You or for what You give, but I praise You simply because You are. From eternity to eternity You are God. I praise You as the ever-existing, self-existing, glorious, righteous, holy, loving, and radiant Triune God, the Lord of heaven and earth. Lord, I praise You that You did not remain far away in Your transcendency but that You came through incarnation to be a man like us. I praise You for living such a splendid God- man life on the earth beyond the realm of any human category. Lord, I praise You for Your all-inclusive, God-satisfying, devil destroying death on the cross. I praise You, Lord, for Your imparting resurrection, and Am here as the demonstration that You continue Your existence in Your resurrection life, I praise You as Lord, as the God-man at the right hand of God, possessing all authority in heaven and on earth. I praise You as the God-man Jesus. You are Lord of all. You are the centrality and universality in Gods economy. I pray concerning this serious of messages, that you would cause my heart to be touched with what You are and with You are as the centrality and universality in Gods economy. Lord, I am here as Your trainees. You and only You are my Teacher and my master. I ask You to subdue each of Your people deep in your being, Enlighten me thoroughly so that I may settle the question of what and who is the centrality of our living and being. May it be You, dear Lord. Lord, I offer up these days of my life to You. I do not look back on anything from the past. I would not bring in anything old or stale, for You are ever new and evergreen. I look to You, Lord, as if for the first time, Lord, I also remind You of my enemy. Bind him, limit him, and shame him. I join You as the church to bind him, limit him, and cast him out of my life. Lord, bless me, Bless the churches and saints. All glory be to You. Amen and Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 15:58:17 +0000

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