It was never my intent to bombard the School Board with lists and - TopicsExpress


It was never my intent to bombard the School Board with lists and petitions. The Friends of Old Glory Face Book page was created to see if there were others who shared my feelings and would like to see the flag on 10th and Madison restored. With very little effort, I soon had 200 supporters and 2000 hits on the page. This was not a decision I took lightly but after the response I felt I had enough confirmation to take it before the board members for their consideration. The insinuation that Oregon’s spirit of patriotism and the preservation of her history rests on the shoulders of a group of senior citizens certainly speaks of a dim future for the community. Obviously, you are unaware of the time and effort that were put forth by the teachers, students and community leaders in observance of National Anthem Day. I didn’t ask for people to leave any personal information but I can tell you the majority of the responses came from parents who have children in our school system. I commend our Board, Administration and teachers who promote a spirit of patriotism and provide a lovely setting for the flags that fly in front of our schools. Our youth are our future but our past is community history. That flag flew for approximately 80 years and that marks a lot of history and memories. Some see a flag…I see honored veterans, dedicated facility and students, memories of events that were significant in the eyes of youth and so many faces of friends that shared our lives and are no longer with us. How fortunate we are to live in a country where we are free to express our beliefs and stand up for what we feel is right without fear or persecution.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 16:00:32 +0000

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