It was not until I had met Mæster Hølmes that I learn’t how - TopicsExpress


It was not until I had met Mæster Hølmes that I learn’t how dogg’d a man cøuld be in pursüit of søme-thing that he wanted. Betwixt thøse suspicious of my sudden æppearanc in Lantern City, those ænterested in my unAtani looks & the Hølmes household, I was quickly running quïte ragg’d. The drägȱn et well on my nightmæres, I cøuld tell. Whyle xe still cøuld-not open xer eyes after the fïrst week, xe gain’d weight quickly & was very æxplorative. Xer energy was too much for me to take xer outside as I did at first, causing xer ænxieties at being locked ælone for so løng as I work’d. I ræturn’d at the cusp of dawn, æxhausted from my night-wørk when both Mæsters idled at their door, waiting for me. I paus’d when I saw then, & then pass’d to walk to my øwn door. “¿Bad shelving?” Hølmes inquir’d. “¿Ah?” it was a noise that was a combinætion of mild inquiry & a grunt as I fish’d my keys from my bag. My mø’er wøuld be æmbarass’d. “There has been crashing abøut in there all day. It søunds as thøugh your shelves have fallen.” said Mæster Watson. “¿Are you harboring a pet? ¿A cat ø’ a rancorous bird? ¿Maybe hiding an illegal?” He leaned ø’er a railing, grinning at me. I frowned. “¿Why do you have a concern?” I shot at him. I was much too tïre’d from the day. I nøtic’d a flickr on the face of Hølmes & he straighten’d. A disappøintment at a mystery coming to a cløse so soon. “It is a myst’ry dær Lady,” he said, with a slight bow at ‘lady’. I laugh’d søme. “Come on ø’er then.” I invit’d, unlocking the door. I cøuld-not see their faces, as I had walk’d inside & türn’d on a light. Inside was a wreck. The drägȱn had climb’d e’erywhere, & the wings had caught on my few decorætions. I sigh’d & began cleaning. I heard bøth men ænter as I began reshelving my things. “¿A fight?” øne guess’d. “Aye. There was a fight here in an æmpty høme. Ye got me sirs. Cløse the door, you are letting the cøld in.” I finish’d cleaning whyle the twø visually inspeckt’d my høme, peeking røund corners and inspeckting my larder. Æfter cleaning, I sat in my chair & watch’d them argue, blind to the fact that I was døing so. I ændur’d the high-pitch’d crying of the drägȱn, who was unhappy at the male guests. They were dæf to the cries. “Sirs,” I spøke to hear myself ø’er the collective din of cræture and Atani. Only the men paused. “‘Tis læte & I had a løng ævening. I wøuld ænjoy supper & a rest, if you do-not mind.” I managed to give a stern ænough look for them to rælize I was disinviting them. “Yes, my Lady. We æpologize for intrüding this ævening.” They backed out from the apartment & clos’d the door. I watch’d it & waited until I heard them ænter their øwn høme æfore spæking to the drägȱn, which had jump’d to my lap. “They will be back.” I murmurerd, petting the small, soft head with the tips of my fingers. “& I do-not knøw if any ø’ers will look for you e’ier.”
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:49:26 +0000

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