It was over 2,000 years ago that Jesus, the Son of God, conceived - TopicsExpress


It was over 2,000 years ago that Jesus, the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit to a virgin, was born in Bethlehem. Unable to find a place in an inn as travelers, the parents had to settle for a stable, where Jesus was born. Christmas celebrates this birth of the saviour of humankind. The significance of Christmas goes beyond carols, Christmas trees and gifts. The angels heralded the event with the words ‘peace among men.’ Jesus said: “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God.” In a world at war and amid the thoughts of terrorism, Jesus’s message of peace has a special relevance. The message of love comes out strongly. The Bible says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” That is the nature of God’s love for the world that Jesus demonstrated on the Cross by dying for human sins. Christmas is a day when the creator of the universe let Himself be born into a world He created. He took on a human nature by being born to a human mother He created. He brought heaven down to earth. Instead of heaven being looked upon as “somewhere out there,” Mary looked down on heaven as Jesus lay in her arms. Who would have thought that He who could make the sun that warmed the earth, would get His warmth that evening from the breath of those animals in the cave where He was born. The Eternal Word would be wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger. No one would have thought that this all powerful Omnipotent God would come down to this earth being so helpless. It is hard for you and I to understand just how much humility it took for the Word to become flesh. Just imagine if you and I had to give up our bodies and then send our soul into an animal such as a snake, for instance. Not only would we have to accept the limitations of the snake, but we would have to live along side other snakes. But, this would be nothing compared with God emptying Himself and taking on the form of a man. By doing so, He would have to suffer not only in the limitations of the human body, but would suffer His eventual sacrifice on the Cross for the redemption of mankind. Jesus’ humiliation began when He was conceived in Mary and ended with His death on a Cross. It is this act of sacrifice, the Cross, that gave you and I the opportunity to receive the gift of salvation. “If there were no Cross, there would have been no crib; if there had been no nails, there would have been no straw. But He could not teach the lesson of the Cross as payment for sin; He had to take it. God the Father did not spare His Son – so much did He love mankind. The ultimate gift of Christmas is God himself! Merry Christmas everyone! God bless each and everyone of you!!.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 11:59:32 +0000

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