It was prophesied that a virgin will conceive and bear a male - TopicsExpress


It was prophesied that a virgin will conceive and bear a male child. And it was so. (Isaiah 7:14). Another prophesy also had it that a woman will conceive and bear a male child, that this child will rule the whole world (Isaiah 9:6) with an iron rod (Rev 12:5). This prophecy has also been fulfilled. Another prophesy said that God will, at His appointed time, make His dwelling among men (Lev 26:11-12). Today, this prophesy is fulfilled. (Rev 21:3). "GOD IS NOW ON EARTH TO TAKE CONTROL OVER ALL THINGS. Give glory to HIM (THE FATHER), always." When Jesus Christ was on the Cross He cried with a loud voice: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matt 27:46 / Mark 15:34). If God did not get out from Him, He would not have been killed. So today that God has come to dwell with you. What can a man do to you? Why do you panic and fear? You have maximum protection, security and satisfaction. For ages now man has tried by his own efforts to forsake sin. But he has not been able to abandon sin. But now God has come to change people, and sanctify them for Himself. Let all those who do not believe in the existence of God weep for themselves; for they must see God in His full glory and majesty now. Read the golden text. Golden Text: Revelation 21:3...... "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God." Has this statement not come to pass in this generation? Is that passage referring to angels, prophets or the Son? Not at all ! IT IS REFERRING TO THE FATHER, GOD. HE IS THE ONE TO DWELL WITH MEN. WHEN WE TALK OF BROTHERHOOD WE ARE REFERRING TO THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH AND THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. Today the talk of the town is that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has subdued all forces and powers in the world; a clear evidence that God has taken control over all things. YES, FOR YEARS THE LITTLE SALT GIVEN YOU WAS INSUFFICIENT FOR YOUR MEAL. THIS WAS SO IN TERMS OF POWER OF THE ANGELS, PROPHETS AND EVEN, THE SON. BUT NOW THE SOURCE OF ALL DYNAMIC POWERS HAS ARRIVED. All things animate and inanimate, seen and unseen must submit to the Supreme FATHER, HE is the Guest of the time. All kingdoms, rulership, all powers and authorities must bow to this Great Ruler, the Almighty God. Your foremost responsibility is to believe that God is here on earth; and that the Son, the angels and the prophets and all the children of God are here to provide all things for you. HE HAS COME TO REVEAL HIS SON TO THE WORLD. HE HAS COME TO REVEAL ALL HIS CHILDREN TO THE WORLD, AND TO RECEIVE THE HONOR AND GLORY DUE HIM EVEN BEFORE THE WORLD WAS. You may not be blamed, in a sense, because when a sick man is cured he gives glory to the native doctor. But only a foolish doctor will accept or receive such glory. Of course, if he receives the glory for having cured someone; and then another sick person is brought, and he is unable to cure that one and he dies, then he becomes a liar. You must be very careful so that you do not receive the glory due to God; because God requires exclusive honor. Very soon you will see a child of two years old raising the dead, or even a robber doing powerful works. You will look for signs but you will be led astray because you do not believe in the presence of God. It is because of lack of faith and unbelief by some people to understand that God is the One doing this work. This unbelief makes them wander from place to place, from one prophet to another, from one pastor to another seeking for Healing; and if they are healed, they attribute such healing to either the prophet or the pastor. Sometimes you may see a sick person who was taken to a hospital, and he recovers; and because of your lack of faith, you doubt that it is the presence of God that healed the one; and when you are sick you would want to be admitted into that hospital, but you may die there. It is true that God is everywhere. But you must acknowledge His presence, and His capability of doing all things. He is a Spirit. He is in me, He is in you and He is in all things. What is impossible with men is possible with God. We should worship Him in spirit and in truth as the only Creator of all things. THOSE WHO SPEND THEIR TIME TO THINK OF A SUCCESSOR TO LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU WHEN HE DIES ARE VERY UNREASONABLE PEOPLE. AND THOSE WHO ARE OUTSIDE, WAITING TO SEE THE END OF LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU SO THAT BROTHERHOOD MAY CEASE TO FUNCTION, ARE ALSO VERY, VERY UNREASONABLE. Is the work in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star done by the Leader? Whether I am here or not; one thing stands out. These works will continue because the doer is here by Himself; and He is God, the Father. Many of you have been stricken with fear when you hear that you will no more see the Leader. That is to put faith in you. When you see before you believe; that is not faith (John 20:29). Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld (Hebrews 11:1). It is because of lack of faith that some of you do not attend meetings that the Leader would not attend, and do not honor any letter or circular that is not signed by the Leader. Blessed are those who do not see, and yet believe. Believe as from today that God is the one doing these works. These works are not done by Leader Obu or Olumba Olumba Obu or O.O.O. God is the one who created this O.O.O., and that God is the one doing His works now in the universe. I give glory to God who has come to rule the world. Therefore all that you do, whether in songs, prayer and worship, do them to God. Do not worship man, do not give glory to man. Do not enslave man. Worship God, and give Him glory; for He is now on earth. Some of you have seen God face to face; but you are still doubting in your minds. Do not keep your eyes on the things you see but rather on the things unseen; for the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting (2nd Corinth 4:18). Some of you get worried when you are not able to see the Leader. Does it mean that God does not see you? PUT NOT YOUR TRUST IN PRINCES, NOR IN THE SON OF MAN, IN WHOM THERE IS NO HELP. O.O.Obu is a man like you are, but God is God forever. O.O.Obu can go anywhere just as you can, but God is omnipresent. Go and tell the world that you made a mistake when you told them that the work done here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is performed by a man. Because what you see here and what you have heard done here is not anything that can be done by man, angel, prophet or the Son. Tell them that God has come to dwell with men, and that God is the One doing all these things. If you say that a man is the one doing these things, then it is like saying that God lives in a building. But is God so small as to live in a building? NOT AT ALL! God remains faithful and true to His promises, although man may stumble and fall. There is only one God that controls the universe. There is no division. There is neither male nor female, young or old. All are in union with the Lord. All were created by this one God that controls the whole universe; and today His tabernacle is here with His creatures, to dwell with them, and be their God forever. Brethren, Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear. May God bless His holy words. EVERLASTING GOSPEL BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:15:19 +0000

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