It was quite an interesting week and a half in the hospital. I - TopicsExpress


It was quite an interesting week and a half in the hospital. I went in on Sunday around four in the afternoon. Nothing really happened that night except for settling in and filling out paperwork. The next week in the pediatric intensive care unit is a blur to me. I literally remember nothing, which everyone is telling me is great because I was in so much pain and miserable. This state is from being on morphine in addition to a few other medications. I did however get to start a necklace that contains beads that explains my journey throughout this process. It is pretty amazing to be able to look at the beads and look back through my journey. I still remember a year ago from tomorrow like it happened yesterday. It was the last day of ninth grade for me, and I went for about an hour to make up a test I had missed when I was out from my surgery the week prior. I then went out for breakfast with family and at dinner time was told the worst news of my life, that my tumor and nearby lymph nodes were malignant, meaning cancer was present. At the time that was all that was known. I remember sitting there at first in awe and not able to process what I just heard. I never believed that would happen to me in my wildest dreams. It kind of is funny to me, now looking back, that the only thing I was scared for was losing my hair. Times definitely have changed. Now I miss being completely bald, which may sound weird. The time definitely has flown by. Back to last week, the medication finished on Thursday night and I was taken from the PICU to the pediatric oncology unit on Sunday. I was finally able to leave yesterday after my electrolytes and all my counts came back to normal, in addition to be beginning to eat and drink. It feels good to finally be home. I expected these rounds to be a piece of cake, and they are the worst part of treatment so far. I guess I need to look at positive, and see that treatment is almost over!!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 02:49:21 +0000

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