It was raining hard and a big puddle had formed in front of the - TopicsExpress


It was raining hard and a big puddle had formed in front of the little Scottish pub. An old man stood beside the puddle holding a stick with a string on the end and jiggled it up and down in the water. A curious gentleman asked what he was doing. Fishing, replied the old man. Poor old fool thought the gentleman, so he invited the old man to have a drink in the pub. Feeling he should start some conversation while they were sipping their whisky, the gentleman asked, And how many have you caught today? Youre the eighth. ******** Co-pilot was welcoming the passengers on the plane shortly after take off. Thank you for flying with us this morning. The weather is..... Then suddenly he starts screaming while he is still on the loud speakers: Oh my God. OMG! OMG! This is going to hurt....Its burning A ghostly Silence reigned! He gets back on the microphone talking to the passengers: I sincerely apologise for the incident but I just dropped a very hot cup of coffee on my should see my pants from the front One passenger replies - Why dont you come here and see Our PANTS FROM BEHIND! __________________ A short story The tethered dog Once there was a young poor orphaned girl who had a lot of relatives but would not take her into their home. She lived in the pavement and worked as a house maid in the nearby houses of the locality and her well wisher relatives would visit her and pity her plight but were unable to help her. In the same street was a stray pup which was also orphaned. The pup used to follow the girl all the time and be with her. It was a sort of unwanted friend and guard to her. It would visit the local butcher and take the bits of meat and bones thrown away. Sometimes, it would bring a piece of bone to the girl and urge her to eat! The girl felt that having a pet was way above her ability to maintain but would not stop it from following her either. She tied a red worn out ribbon around his neck as a symbol of her love to him. One day, the pup brought a piece of paper in its mouth and the girl was astonished at what it was. As she grabbed, crushed and threw it away, the pup brought it back to her. She reluctantly opened the crushed paper and found it to be a raffle ticket with draw due in a few days. She took it to the nearby raffle dealer and asked if someone had bought this ticket and my mistake threw it. The shop keeper did not remember the customer but said, “dear child, this is god given; the draw is in a few days; you could hit the jackpot. Keep it with you for a few days”. So, she put it in her waist pocket. Life was as usual for a few days and presto! As you guessed, the ticket got the first prize of a million dollars. She did not know that until the shop keeper told her and blessed her. Soon the bankers and her relatives swarmed her and she was a millioner! She thought that she did not deserve it as she did not buy the ticket; but as the shopkeeper said, it was god given and hence she started a home service company. She would give poor orphans like her, shelter and place them in the nearby houses as maids so that they lived honourably. Soon the company got big and the pup too. She was pleased with the dog that brought her good luck and soon the red ribbon in his neck was changed to an expensive polished leather collar. As she had to attend a lot of business meetings, social gatherings, giving motivational talks about her story of ‘rags-to-riches’, she had little time to spend with her pet dog. As he was not allowed at places where she visited, he was put on a leash. She would however see to it that he is well bathed, groomed and fed. She would spend the late nights and week -ends with him. She would tell all her acquaintances of the luck brought by the pet. The inmates took care of the dog but never let it lose or allowed it to stray. Now, the dog thought that his master was angry with him and hence tied him with a leash. Though she spent time with him, she never took him wherever she went, like his puppy days. He wanted to get out of the tether and run to the road and lead his old, free life rather than being pampered but caged. Please tell me whether the dog is right in complaining or the master is right in keeping it on leash. Whether she was grateful and took enough care of her dog or should she have devoted more time to the dog rather than talk about him to her relatives and acquaintances in meetings. Who is wrong or who is right? Is it their perception of the present life that changed their relationship? Should they rewind and go back to their old orphaned lives or enjoy the new life and take circumstances as they come? Is it not a dog’s life out there for almost all elders out there?
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:20:29 +0000

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