It was spring, the year 2001, and my school, San Gabriel Academy, - TopicsExpress


It was spring, the year 2001, and my school, San Gabriel Academy, held a Talent Show that one memorable Saturday night. A few months prior, I had decided to sign up and try my luck. One of the scariest decisions in my life seeing that I was never a great singer, nor was I able to dance either, heck even my guitar skills were mediocre at best. The thought of winning was far from my mind, it was too far a reach. All I wanted to do was share one of my favorite songs with the world. A country love song made famous by the late great country star Chris LeDoux, titled Shot Full Of Love. I also have to give credit to my uncle Mark who introduced me to the music of Chris LeDoux. So there I was behind the curtains, that Saturday night. One after one, the other contestants unleashed their amazing abilities. Whether it be singing (solo and groups) or some kind of varieties of performances on stage. I was just there waiting for my turn. Me and my guitar. That was it. A one man band, if you will. And then the MC called my name. I walked to the middle of stage, sat down, placed my guitar nicely, a helper came over to position the microphone and its stand in front of me and plug the cable into the amp that connected to the gyms sound system. The spotlight was so bright, I couldnt see the audience at all, nothin but a sea of total darkness. Nervous. My heart beating faster by the second. But I took a deep breath. The judges gave me the cue to start. My lips approached the microphone and calmly introduced the song to the audience and started playing. Once the song was done, there was a bit of applause. I quickly said thanks, stood up and walked back to behind the curtains. Took a deep breath again. Couldnt believe I actually just did what I did. LOL :) It was time for the judges to announce the winners, for different categories. The contestants, and there were many of us, lined up side by side on the stage, facing the audience. By the time it hit the category that I was a part of.. the judges announced the winner and.. they mentioned my name! Never before in my life had I ever been as euphoric. I jumped up and down like Id just won a million dollar lotto LOL I hugged the MC as he gave me the medal. A simple country love song and a guitar.. who wouldve thought :) God was good, man! I dont know where the medal is anymore now.. and frankly, I dont care.. Because I didnt do it for that. I will never know what living like a true rock star feels like, but to me, that Saturday night at SGA in 2001 sure felt like it :)
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 05:48:57 +0000

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