It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the - TopicsExpress


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. . . . These are the words that are lingering with me today as I consider the brilliance and wonder and profound emotion of 2014. In many ways 2014, for me, was the most amazing year yet. And yet 2014 was pounded with tragedy. Ive never compartmentalized my reactions to a year in my life more than this year. I had to parse it out and protect those things that were wonderful - so that I’d really feel that wonder and awe and appreciation. And then I had to draw lines around the confusion and grief and loss - to, on the one hand, feel them, and on the other prevent them from coloring all of the good things. I never anticipated there’d be a year where I had to process death and endings so much with my boy. At just 8 years old, he doesn’t really possess the toolbox for grief yet. But really, do any of us? Cancer and a heart attack and suicide and more cancer. A whole year bookended in sadness. Smacked with confusion and grief. But life is a gift, and I believe it, I see it and I can’t deny it. We rolled eggs on the White House lawn. I got to participate in some really necessary conversations about workplace culture and progressive thinking at the White House Summit for Working Families. I met the First Lady and thanked her for making my family matter. I joined the MPR board. MPR - this iconic cultural institution. (Who the hell do I think I am?) Family Equality Council showed up in Washington over and over and over again. I traveled around the country and worked with amazing clients and got to speak about work and technology and project management and leadership and families. Clockwork grew in spirit and ability and commitment to our values. Next week we open the doors on 12,000 square feet of additional space for our staff to continue to thrive and explore and serve our clients. The year was capped by a little bit of a story told by Cynthia McFadden on the network news. A good news news story - not the kind of news we are used to. I’m pretty proud of the fact that we got attention not for being sensational - but for being decent to people. And that sparked so many excellent conversations and new connections. The gift keeps giving. I didn’t read enough good books. I didn’t see enough movies. I didn’t connect with my friends enough. I had a few belly laughs with my boy. I tried to remember to get on the ground and wrestle with him. I built a frigging go-kart! And I loved him hard and true every single day. I didn’t eat enough fruit or take my vitamins consistently. I didnt take my lovely partner on enough dates. I let my hypochondriac self scare my practical self one too many times. I let work overwhelm me. I let my age discourage me. I let my weight make me feel less-than. My glasses prescription got stronger. I got a couple of parking tickets. And I didn’t fix that issue with punctuality. But I worked hard. I tried hard. I loved hard. And I had some moments in 2014 I will never see again. All in all - I am grateful. For all of it. Even the stuff I don’t understand. Goodbye 2014. I don’t know how 2015 could top you. In some ways I really hope it doesn’t try. Either way, though, I am ready for it.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:59:23 +0000

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