It was the kind of night where things just dont go your way. You - TopicsExpress


It was the kind of night where things just dont go your way. You know the kind: You have been in bed about an hour, and you are awoken from a horrible dream by a child sobbing over you. Literally, his face is over your body, so as you swim from your nightmare into the real world, arms flailing, body rising, you are almost guaranteed to knock into him. What is wrong? you frantically ask your child, whom many people consider medically fragile. My eye hurts, is what you think you can make out from his jagged breathed, tear infused reply. His eye? Ohhh...he means the eye lid that he bruised four days ago, and because he hadnt expressed a moment of discomfort throughout the day, you refused to make up an ice pack for it when it was his bedtime. The fact you were changing his baby brothers really horrible diaper when he wanted the ice pack earlier, should not be a consideration into your guilt level at that moment. Gut check: does he hurt? Perhaps a bit. Youre already awake, is this the time to make a stand? Nope. You drag yourself out of bed, into the kitchen, where you wrap a freezer pack up in a towel, and give him ibuprofen as he continues to sob, then you send him back to bed. Miraculously, he seems cured already as he climbs the ladder to his top bunk. You are too tired to care if you got played or not. Its 12:23 the Monday morning following Spring Forward Sunday and this is no time for thought, just get back to sleep as soon as possible. 3:42 a.m. rolled around and your baby expressed his hunger. You ungraciously mumbled to the world about your tiredness as you go to pick him up. You laid him down to change his diaper, which infuriated the child even more. He then managed to pee on several things, for the most part missing you. As you gave him his bottle a couple of minutes later, you realized he even had somehow gotten what you assumed to be urine into his ear. [Insert sigh here.] Im sure I am not the only person who has ever had a bad night. The trick is deciding how you are going to handle the rest of the day. Do you give in to your frustration or are you determined to have a good day? The weather was beautiful, I had a successful day at work. We even had a nice lunch. I am very embarrassed to admit at home, I was a grouch. Those I love got the tired, crabby mommy, wife and daughter. Every day we get to choose our attitude and I am grateful I get a fresh chance tomorrow. So thankful for a loving Father, and His graciousness towards us. I pray that I will strive to be more like this, myself: But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Psalm 86:15
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:41:43 +0000

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