It was the year we survived the Garth Brooks debacle.....thought - TopicsExpress


It was the year we survived the Garth Brooks debacle.....thought Id repost this for an end of year laugh..... The other day I asked some students to make a presentation about a news story of their choice. All they had to do was a little research and then speak in front of the class for a few minutes, I record their pieces and then later we listen back to them. Here is a typescript of what Alvaro Ruiz Moreno from Salamanca Spain said today: “ For do my presentation I have looked the RTE, Irish Times and the Metro, is free, I like. This week has been berry berry bad for many persons in all the world, in Yapan is a new big Suenami, all people there is running away from the big wave, all house is empty, is a tragedy, some country have more disaster than other, no is fair. The wind so strong, the tree break like toy. Yapan people is berry nice, always educated and smile, it have to be berry hard time for them. But this is no the story of which I want speak. Before come to Earland, I no know that the Cowboy is so important here. In eh-spain, the cowboy is berry fa-moose in the film or the book, my grandfather he like a lot the cowboy, he have many book of cowboy, I no like the book but sometime the Clint Eastwud film is guh. I am in Earland since two week and every place I look I see the Cowboy, on the newspaper, in the television even my Google show me picture of him, the big hat and the shirt of the rodeo. I reading something of show canceled in big futball stadium, is called Croquet Park? Neighbour there, no want the Cowboy, I yoking to myself, maybe they is Indian, Yeronimo people, no want Cowboy for five night, is normal for them no want him. I laughing but in reality I berry confusing. In Metro, was one berry big foto of Cowboy in same stadium seventeen year ago and he have a micro phone, all around him is thousand of Earish wimin, wear the same hat like him. I wondering is he politician or religion person. Why all wimin follow him and dress same like him? My first investigation was ask my E-rish mudder, my host mudder, Ms Delaney, she know all of Earland. She explain me that his name is Gar Brook and he is singer of cuntry and westren. This music no berry fa-moose in eh-spain, for us is only music for the film, no is popular. She say me, the neighbur of stadium no like the noise for five night and are frightening of drunken Cowboy fan fall in dere front garden and maybe more bad tings happens too. I asking Ms Delaney”But what is this? Why so many Earish people love the Cowboy music? Is crazy. I dont understand nothing” Ms Delaney spoke me of the Great Hungry in Earland in 1847, potato no grow, so many dying and all udders go to America. (I say her in 1848 eh-spain losing most of the Empire but no so bad as lose all the people.) She explain that the only ting the Earish pepul bring to America was the memory of Earland and all the songs and in America with the pass of the years Earish song become cuntry and western. She berry berry gud host mudder, always explain me the cooltour in the exactly context. She say, for many year the Earish in America sending home the money for help the family here and that many the Earish here is dreaming of America and they very identification with Cowboy music. “Letter from America” is fa-moose expression for Earish people especial in the west part, where was most poor and least food. I say her thank you for all the informations and go to my room, yet berry confusing. In eh-spain, I made the career of Yournalism during four year in the university so I have great interest in how is formed a story and what is the preeority of the media. Gar Brook make me question all I learn in those four year. On line I watching the Newspaper of my cuntry El Pais and El Mundo, they all only speak of two tings, like always the crisis of economy and no yobs for the young and then in all papers and radio they talk of what happen now in Palestine, the war cream of Israel, the complete disproportion of Tel Aviv response, the okupacion of the Palestino land and the very fear of new Intifada. I say myself, this is news. For finish my proyect last night I look RTE Player for see if I can conclusion my talk for today in class. In Earland, the prime minister, Enda Kenny, is called Tea-shock, strange, no? I look the RTE NEWS AT 9PM At first, I think I no understand guh what I hear, he want to make intervention to save the Cowboy concert....but what iz this?? I say myself. I can no imagine the Tea-shock of eh-spain, Mariano Rajoy make intervention for save a concert for 400, 000 Salsa fan if a Juan Luis Guerra concert is call off or make a public staement if Ricky Martin must to cancel for problem of make angry the neighbur. I can no believe the ears....Enda Kenny speak of all the yobs and money Gar Brook will bring in Earland. Is he open a fabric or play a concert?? Maximum yob will be ten day cleaning up and maybe five day for sell the fast food. I am sure he want to look like guh friend of the people by save the concert so the people will vote him again although he give with one hand he take with other.... then more estrange tings happen. The embajador of Mejico also want to make intervention and permit the Cowboy sing.....and now some neighbur also make contact with Obama (Ms Delaney try explain me more early that he Earish, I no believe, is imposible, sometime Earish very hard to tell from Americanos) like an international crisis....It seem me that Earland still depending on the “Letter from America” and Earish Tea-shock think Gar Brook will write a very value letter....Even Gar Brook was in the television say his heart is breaking...Before come to Earland for eh-study English, all people say me, is the more friendly place to study...maybe is true but it also the more Crazy... all is mad...the RTE, Rodeo Telifis Eireann, the more important news story of today, the escalation of t atrocity in Palestine only score the bronze of recognition after the silver of cabinet reshuffle and the Gold of Gar… time for Earland to forget “The Letter from America” and post one letter to himself say “Wake up!” Alvaro Ruiz Moreno 10/07/2014
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:52:19 +0000

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