It was well water, but the water was not rain; but all - TopicsExpress


It was well water, but the water was not rain; but all beachcombers who raised 120 meters above the level of the Mediterranean, drowning all the islands starting with Atlantis itself. People think of the massive rain. 404. The water was ocean. A detail that you was not specified. A simple deluge fell clouds would not devastated Earth and 40 days + 40 nights necessarily requires prior heatwave at least equal in duration (nowhere mentioned) for evaporation of any rain water. 120 meters uphill water level so should be preceded before complete evaporation of 120 meters down to the same level (nowhere mentioned). The Deluge past levels came down to normal and Noahs Ark was found perched atop Mount Ararat in Armenia, 120 meters above. 3 - Close 5 of our 12 Chakras do we leave for more than our current 7. These 12 kept us in synchronicity with the magnetic grid of the earth. 4 - Demote our ancient frequency of 5 ° dimension to our current size of 3, as in the beginning, we arrived on Earth in the original image of the Energy Source as replicas 5 ° dimension without physical density. Today we are since then fallen into the plane of existence of 3 dimension, which began to reverse soon as we entered the Age of Aquarius and our penetration into the cloud of photons (radiation Menasic) that we are going through and youll never hear Mainstream journalists inform you. 5 - The fifth measure is not the last (but the whole is very complex and long to develop everything in this article) is the decay of our magnetic field which is symptômatisée by oscillation (range precession or obliquity) of 23 ° 4388 in our axis of rotation (+ additional 10 cms from the Japanese earthquake in March 2011 and an additional 100 + cms from the Chilean earthquake of 1960). The present Earths magnetic field is half that recorded in Roman antiquity. This decrease in intensity of the magnetic field is a precursor to a magnetic pole shift. The obliquity cycle varies from 41 000 years between 24.5 ° and 22.1 °. Earth has changed several times during its existence magnetic polarity. Formerly the North Pole was in Cuba and the Arctic & Antarctic were warm and green regions. Everything was distorted, there 410 million years to the Devonian period, the terrestrial year was 400 days, each of which lasted 21.8 hours. Similarly, before Atlantis during the civilization of Mu, the roundabout Earth was reversed in the current, and when the Sun rises from 50,000 years in the East, he rose to the West at that time and again in the future it will also rise from the west, at the end of the time of Gog and Magog (for insiders). These are the Atlanteans, to the preferences of climate that have changed the direction of the Earth by a process which I will explain later. A final measure of size and nobody thinks to tell you (if your sources know it) is that since this schism, our legal, moral out of this contract, we were placed under surveillance and still are. This is the Moon. The Moon is not our natural satellite, contrary to what people mistakenly think insufficiently informed, but Alien hollow base, busy and active, initially drawn from the orbital plane of another distant planet and put in 3 steps this position instead of our previous satellite, prior to the Flood, which was Venus, moved from where it is. Venus which astronomers, yet intelligent, still do not understand why Uranus, Venus is in the solar system this single exception whose mysterious originality is to have a retrograde rotation. You who read me, now they know better why. Our Moon, originally comes from a stellar system Ursa Minor (Small Bear) name Chauta. She was one of its four moons and planets which were 21 and our Moon was removed from its orbit around the 17th planet. During a war between Alien races, she was brought among us, with other satellites. The first orbit of our moon in our solar system was around a planet Maldek (2 satellites in total) as a result of a collision with Nibiru became the asteroid belt. There were 9 cities under enormous dome on our Moon. There was water, plants and large underground caverns where life existed and where it still exists today in detail about that are a lot of humans on the moon, landed secretly and parallel missions official profile of Apollo-type exploration & consors. US-Soviet base that has now dissolved known from the hustle and sequestration by the Soviets of American engineers. Conclusion: mutiny, fire, 66 people in total. You never hear about. This is intentional. And it may be preferable. The other 2 moons old Maldek and our current Moon orbited once every two around Mars. They left Sophos Mars and Earth surrounded our Moon, which removed Mars, has been deprived of his ability to travel. The movement of the Moon, Maldek first, then to Mars and now our Earth, returns to Pleiadians. They are the authors of the reconfiguration process. His beings who are white skin and Maldékiens their origin, are a native breed from the confines of the constellation Lyra, but the majority of them are defectors on our blue planet and based, all of them under land in Tibet. Traditionally they do not mingle among the human population. In my life, Ive never known anyone in any of my discussions, which have been very idea of the reason for the presence of the moon above us. The world is a thousand miles to find its justification. No one doubts for a moment. Yet these are the facts. I would not let me state clearly that I do not know myself absolutely irrefutable, in full and complete knowledge of the facts and I do not have hundreds of readings and formal proofs to validate my statements. Also, I do not ask you to believe me for what I do know to be the truth, as confusing as it is. I can not therefore say that this and that also probably in 1 year or 10 or 20, you inevitably say to yourself one day, sooner or later, I had yet quite right about the Moon.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:17:20 +0000

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