It wasnt conscious, but as I watched this video, for what - TopicsExpress


It wasnt conscious, but as I watched this video, for what certainly now has to be somewhere in the hundreds of times, I realized that there were some tears rolling down my cheeks. Rant: I wish that the millions of people who love and support the music of Trans-Siberian Orchestra would have also supported Savatage. I enjoy TSO for what it is, basically Savatage wrapped up in a pretty Christmas box with a bow on top, but man, I feel that the commercial success of TSO (dont get me wrong, glad you guys finally made some money) has robbed the world, and me personally, of some great potential Savatage music over the years. I remember sitting at the TSO Christmas concert years ago, and looking around at the crowd with anger. Angry that this eclectic group of people would show up to support metal disguised as holiday music, but not the true form. From teenagers hanging with their cool friends to middle aged rich folk in suits and dresses. If only they had all purchased a Savatage album instead. If only they had listened to Streets... And the memory of Criss Oliva, the greatest guitarist that youve probably never heard of, deserves better. If you believe that music can change a life, and I do, then know that Savatages music changed mine. Okay... sorry for the rant.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 15:51:21 +0000

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