It will be a while before the typical reader or average literature - TopicsExpress


It will be a while before the typical reader or average literature enthusiast understands the mystery of poetry and prose. Permit me to borrow a quote to elaborate my thought, Like the little girl who sings melodiously in her room, only to lose her voice when she discovers that someone else is hearing. We poets and authors belong to a peculiar group of talents whose class and proess shines best and is best witnessed and manifested amid nonchalance. Architects, writers and painters alike belong to that category of artists who are at their best when they aren’t trying to be recognised, rated or rewarded. But whose effectiveness, creativity and signature touch is lost when they become less casual. For an unfortunate handful of gifted souls, the reward for their gifts is a curse coz once they become famous; their genius is lost. At times temporarily and sometimes in extreme cases possibly for good. Fame and fortune are fruits of genius and proofs of success but the same two double as sure routes and invitations to self destruction. The love for money and insatiable need for approval soon defiles their art and compromises their creativity, honesty and authenticity. That is why I am of the view that the best works of art are not to be found in archives of submissions to competitions or on display in exclusive galleries for that matter. The most priceless works of prose be it fictitious or true expressions are not even published because they are out there some where covered in dust, neatly tucked away on torn pages of a cheap journal or in the diary of a dead man in some remote village. If not, they are on some random little known blog that will probably never get the traffic it commands or receive the audience it deserves. You dont need an expensive state of the art studio, fancy brushes or a degree for that matter to make an expression valid or to produce a piece worth sharing. But in Spanish philosophy, the wrapping is just as important as the gift. Like credit is based on merit and recognition is based on excellence, admiration doesn’t have to be earned. Especially in the arts because unlike sciences, there is little or no need for approval of ones choice or style of expression. The detriment of commercial talent is the tendency and false assumption talent managers and performing artists make to adopt the notion that their product or art form gets better and will sell more if they become professional and more serious. Perhaps it appeals to academic audiences but to think it makes one a better artist is just a fallacy. Imagination and creativity cannot be governed by laws based on logic and reason seeing as some emotions and thoughts inspire good art yet they are very unreasonable and wrong on many levels. Therein lays the irony. Try to take away that casual approach and you will lose your muse and identity altogether. Dwell on the grammar too long and the whole idea you hand in mind fades. Eliminate just one comma and then you sound like some one else or the entire meaning changes. Try to take away the careless omissions, misplaced punctuations and short hand/abbreviations and your genius will go too. It’s a classic case of a rose and its thorns. To do that would be as vain and lame as changing your voice and hoping no one recognizes your face. Infact its as vain as not doing voice practice or attempting to nail song out of your vocal range but combing your hair very neatly hoping to sound better. It’s never a good thing when fans and journalists compare artists as if to rank them in a list of sorts that we call the hall of fame. Pardon my reservations but with all due respect to each for their respective accomplishments. For all his industry, genius and intellect, Da Vinci could never do what Picasso did just like Picasso could never do even half of what Leonardo Da Vinci did. That doesnt make either of them greater or less of an artist, whether as a person or in comparison. If the salesman must be judged it is by sales made or deals sealed. Talent is different, as is in entertainment, it would reduce the artist to a sales man if he were rated or judged by sales made rather than originality. Art must be loved for its message more than its quality or quantity. Thus; artists ought to be criticised or praised for their ends and not their means. Style is not to be rated. For no scale or unit is known by which style can be evaluated. Reputations for word smithing are rather delicate in nature. It takes a while to define oneself and command a following of loyal readers and just a moment to lose them. Grammatical tenets and Englishs endless strict code of complex laws of punctuation, tenses and diction that govern the written form are too limiting and confining for naturals to adopt. Building and employing a decent vocabulary appropriately has enough limits as it is, which is why poets and authors alike should be exempt from the more functional aspects of literature. Only then can they remain artists. By Th KlaFella
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:36:03 +0000

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