It will be awfully interesting to see just how the new Republican - TopicsExpress


It will be awfully interesting to see just how the new Republican Congress and President Obama deal with each other. There are experts all over the media who are predicting a lot of negative things. What it looks like right now is that everything political will steadily devolve into discussions of the 2016 Presidential campaign, as in either: 1) Who can beat Hillary Clinton? (if you watch FOX), or 2) Why do the Republicans even bother? (if you watch any other media outlet). Then there are the polls, always seemingly divided up among various identity groups, such as Latino voters, women voters, African-American Voters, millennials, and uh, oh yeah white voters (always appearing as something of an afterthought). I very seldom agree with anything Bill Clinton says, but he made a statement recently that I think is totally accurate-- ...the biggest threat to the future of our children and grandchildren is the poison of identity politics that preaches that our differences are far more important than our common humanity.” I always suspect that anything that either one of the Clintons says has an underlying political goal behind it, and maybe this statement does, but if other prominent politicians would adhere to this message, it would go a long way toward getting this country back on the right track. Right now, in almost all of the identity politics groups, a large majority of the population thinks we are headed in the wrong direction. If we dont start thinking toward common objectives, we are going to continue that way. The execution-style murders of the the two police officers in New York and the disgraceful behavior of rioters in several major cities have polarized our society even more than we already were. However, the Sharpton Rent-A-Riot displays, along with President Obamas MIA status regarding this latest crisis, seem to have solidified a significant majority of citizens into a traditionalist mindset. This could have profound affects upon all aspects of the political landscape in the immediate future, particularly the 2016 election. In 1968, the situation in this country was somewhat similar to how it is now. There were riots everywhere, a war that the majority of the country was weary of, intense racial discord, a disheveled government led by a President who was becoming more and more unpopular by the day. All of this led to... Richard Nixon. Then Watergate. Then Jimmy Carter. Food for thought. .
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:26:58 +0000

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