It would be interesting to see if every African American male on - TopicsExpress


It would be interesting to see if every African American male on Facebook would post at least one time when theyve been harassed by the police. Maybe then those who think the police can do no wrong would see the problem going on in this country. Maybe theyll understand why African American parents talk to their kids about how to deal with the police and why many of us dont trust them. I was leaving a friends house one night (before midnight because my dad was not playing around) in Los Altos, CA. I was on the corner of Miramonte and Covington (or whatever street went in front of Alans house). The police lights went on and I heard, pull over. I did as they asked. Two police came up to my car and and asked for me get out of the car. As an 18 year old boy, I was terrified and did as they asked. They told me to sit on the curb. I sat there while they went through my car. I had my baseball bat in my backseat and they asked my why would i have a bat just laying in the backseat. I told them because I play baseball. They smerked! They never asked for my ID, they never told me why they pulled me over, and they werent very kind during this process. After about 10 minutes they let me go. I must have fit the description. My story was mild compared to others. Im doing this as my PEACEFUL protest. Please men, share your story on your wall on how some of our Police treat the public. They have one of the toughest jobs in the world and I believe most of them are good people. However, to help these good cops clean up their departments, we must tell our story.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 02:29:53 +0000

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