It would seem that the enemy is trying to do his most to quench - TopicsExpress


It would seem that the enemy is trying to do his most to quench the fire of God in me and through me. My husband and I were in fasting and prayer (actually, its become a regular thing to us) yesterday. There was an increase in the amount of time we spent praying in tongues though, and it was during that time He came forth with tongues and interpretations . . . do with it what you will. T&I November 18, 2014 FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!! FIGHT THE FIGHT OF FAITH, SAITH GOD!!! FOR THIS IS THE HOUR, EVEN AS I HAVE SAID . . . EVEN THE LAST FEW MINUTES, SAITH GOD. AND THE ENEMY HAS COME TO TRY TO COME AGAINST THOSE THAT I AM RAISING UP IN THIS LAST HOUR. BUT KNOW!!!! KNOW !!! THAT MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT, SAITH GOD. AND I HAVE AND I WILL CONTINUE TO PUT VICTORY INTO YOUR HANDS!!! FIGHT THE FIGHT OF FAITH!!! TRUST ME!!!! DEPEND ON ME!!!! CLING TO ME!!! RELY ON ME!!!! CAST AWAY THE FEELINGS!!! CAST AWAY THE DOUBTS!!! CAST AWAY ALL THE THOUGHTS THAT he WOULD TRY TO THROW AGAINST YOU, ONE AFTER ANOTHER AFTER ANOTHER AFTER ANOTHER!!! I HAVE GIVEN YOU, SAITH GOD, A SHIELD OF FAITH, WHEREWITH YOU MAY QUENCH EVERY FIERY DART OF THE WICKED ONE . . . EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! AND THEY WILL NOT PUT OUT!!!! THEY WILL NOT PUT OUT!!! THEY WILL NOT PUT OUT MY POWER, SAITH GOD!!! FOR MY POWER HAS COME FORTH IN THIS GREAT, GREAT, GREAT OUTPOURING OF MY SPIRIT!!! SO, DO NOT BE AFRAID!!! DO NOT HOLD BACK!!! DO NOT THINK ABOUT WHETHER ITS TOO LONG OR WHETHER ITS TOO SHORT OR WHETHER THEYRE OFFENDED OR WHETHER THEYRE NOT OFFENDED!!! I REALLY DONT CARE, SAITH GOD!!! ITS TIME FOR MY CHURCH TO GROW UP!!! ITS TIME FOR MY CHURCH TO TAKE HEED TO THOSE WORDS THAT I HAVE PUT IN THE MOUTHS OF MY PROPHETS TODAY AND TO THOSE I HAVE SENT TO TEACH THEM, SAITH GOD, BY MY SPIRIT, GIVING THEM, EVEN AS I SAID, THE NUTS AND THE BOLTS THAT THEY DESPERATELY NEED IN ORDER TO STAND IN THESE LAST DAYS. FOR THE WINDS HAVE STARTED, AND THEY ARE BLOWING MIGHTILY TO THROW OFF EVERY TREE THAT IS JUST IN THE SURFACE OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD, AND THEY WILL BE BLOWN OFF UNLESS THEY TAKE HEED TO MY POWER ... TO MY WORD .... TO MY SPIRIT .... IN THIS LAST HOUR, SAITH GOD!!! As this interpretation was coming forth, He was also giving me a vision of what we saw a number of years ago. Oregon had endured great, great amounts of rain that just continued day after day after day, followed by tremendous winds that also went on and on and on. There is a place called Van Duzers (sp?) Corridor which before this storm was so, so beautiful in that the road on either side was populated by great, great and majestic trees of different kinds. I always enjoyed driving this way to the coast enjoying the sunshine filtering through the leaves of the trees. Except . . . our next trip following this storm, to our dismay, we saw one tree after another tree after another tree fallen with their roots exposed. It was ghastly to behold, and it grieved my heart so much to see that so many of these trees had not been rooted and grounded in the soil deep enough to hold them and keep them standing through the storm. Ps 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. {ungodly: or, wicked} 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. {wither: Heb. fade} 4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish. (KJV) The interpretation above is being presented in all capital letters to try to reveal to you the force and power with which it came forth . . . the Lord had told us in a precious word that I was called to bring forth what I have referred to as the nuts and bolts of His Word.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:27:03 +0000

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