Italy Bid for 2024 Olympics Greeted with Derision. An Italian bid - TopicsExpress


Italy Bid for 2024 Olympics Greeted with Derision. An Italian bid to host the 2024 Olympics, amid looming bankruptcy and mafia corruption, would be like painting a Fiat 500 red and calling it a Ferrari. Italys ambition to host the 2024 Olympics, in the middle of its worst recession since the Second World War, has been greeted with derision. Announcing the move on Monday, Matteo Renzi, the prime minister, said he hoped the bid would help kick-start investment and cheer up a country overcome by the gloom of rising unemployment and a shrinking economy. Too often Italy seems resigned, to have lowered its ambitions, said the 39-year-old prime minister, who has vowed to embark on a massive programme of reform to haul Italy out of its political and economic malaise. “Our problems shouldn’t stop us from dreaming. If we waited for things to be easy we’d never try for anything.” But his announcement was immediately greeted with scorn and criticism, with many saying #Italy was in no fit state financially to hold one of the world’s biggest sporting events and that the projects would pour money into the hands of the mafia, which continues to have a grip on Italys construction industry. “Proposing Rome as a future #Olympic city is like painting an old #Fiat500 red and hoping that people will believe it’s a Ferrari,” said Luca Zaia, the governor of the Veneto region and a heavyweight in the Right-wing Northern League party. “This is madness, they’ll be the Olympics of Waste,” said Matteo Salvini, the head of the Northern League, who added that arrests are being made in Rome on an almost daily basis as investigators probe the links between politicians and the mafia. “The investigations into Rome and the mafia are ongoing and now we want to hand them the #Olympics on a plate?” The games would be hosted by cities across the country, with events taking place in #Rome, #Florence, #Sardinia and #Naples – home of the Camorra mafia. Critics pointed to the example of #Greece, where the 2004 Olympics left crippling debts which contributed to the country’s economic meltdown. “We are extremely concerned about the decision,” the opposition Five Star Party said in a statement. “The Olympic Games in #Athens set off the domino effect of the economic crisis and we are seriously worried that the same thing could happen to Italy.” Italy has been hit by a series of corruption scandals, most recently in Rome, where corrupt politicians are accused of conniving with gangland criminals to embezzle tens of millions of euros in public funds The nexus of corruption, dubbed by the press “the new sack of Rome”, was allegedly masterminded by a one-eyed Right-wing extremist convicted of domestic terrorism. Expo 2015 Milano, a world fair that will be held next year, has also been swept up in graft allegations, as has Moses, an ambitious engineering project on the Adriatic coast that aims to prevent #Venice from being flooded. Large infrastructure projects are invariably infiltrated by Italy’s various mafia organisations, from #Sicily’s #CosaNostra to the #Ndrangheta of #Calabria. Many critics said Italy should invest money in more mundane problems to tackle – from underfunded schools and hospitals to potholes in the roads – rather than in staging an event that would provide fleeting glory and long-term debt. He said that the government should instead spend money on “improving roads, schools and hospitals” as well as community sports clubs. Rome wanted to bid for the 2020 Olympics but the plan was dropped in 2012 by Mario Monti, the caretaker prime minister who replaced Silvio Berlusconi. He said the games would be an unacceptable drain on public resources. The bid was eventually won by #Tokyo. Italy has held the summer Olympics once before, in 1960, when the country was enjoying a post-war economic boom and establishing its reputation as the land of #LaDolceVita. Read the source article via the link below. And if you enjoyed this post then please Like, Comment or Share with friends or you wont see The Italian Guide page in your newsfeeds. Enjoy!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 05:30:00 +0000

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