Its 2014 and still nothing from the United Nations or the United - TopicsExpress


Its 2014 and still nothing from the United Nations or the United States where Slavery still occurs. In the northwestern African country of Mauritania and the Sudan, chattel slavery—the owning and trading of humans—never ended. Mothers do not own their children; they are instead passed down through their masters estate. Slaves are bought and sold, given as wedding gifts, and traded for camels, trucks, or guns. The enslaved perform domestic work, haul water, and shepherd cattle. The oldest and most traditional form of slavery, chattel slavery is a vestige of the trans-Saharan slave trade in black Africans. Beginning in the 13th century, Arab-Berber raiders descended upon Mauritanias indigenous African tribes, abducted women and children, and then bred a new caste of slaves.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 01:26:04 +0000

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