Its 2015 and I could not be more excited to start another year of - TopicsExpress


Its 2015 and I could not be more excited to start another year of life to celebrate daily with those who are a part of it! Happy New Year! As the new year begins, instead of resolutions (not a fan), I am posting my Life Manifesto, a collection of phrases and sayings that I do my best to adhere to the shaping of my daily living. While some are from people I have never met, most of these thoughts and ideas have been instilled in me by those who have been or are closet to me in my life for the almost past 50 years. FWIW be inspired to enjoy a life well lived! There is no substitute for hard work and clean living! And Christa Cooper, I still am kicking around an idea of writing a book! :D Walter Sprangs Life Manifesto Never give up on your kids..ever Love without boundaries Love God Embrace change You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want ~ Zig Ziglar Get all the money you can. But dont let it get you ~Zig Ziglar Failure is an event, not a person ~Zig Ziglar Own your mistakes. Admit them. Learn from them. Then move on. Dont let them define your life Say youre sorry..often..and mean it Smile, but dont be a creep Only worry about what you can control. The rest is out of your hands. Realize the one thing you have complete control of is your attitude Focus on what really matters in life. Forget the rest Be passionate, but never hateful Dont judge, just love others, especially those who are different than you. And dont let others judgment permeate you. Expect to learn something from everyone you meet. Look for it Watch less, do more.. Realize we are all human, and make mistakes, every one of us, no one is better or worse. Stop comparing Surround yourself with those people that are uplifting Learn something new every day Go outside Show your mate you love them every day. Hold their hand, smile Buy flowers and smell them. Look at them. Study their beauty. Always be there for the ones you love, especially when its inconvenient Go the extra mile Help people who dont know you, and cannot give back Tip big Encourage youth, creativity, and courage Never let your past limit your future Be strong and unwavering in your convictions, but dont push them on others Live a life worthy of legacy, so that those who know you carry your memory and pass it on to help someone well after you are gone Live without regrets, knowing you did all you could Forgive yourself Have faith and act on it Dream big, then go big Prioritize right Shake hands strong and make eye contact Hug Expect the best in others. Seek it out. Its there Dont envy, rather be content. Joy is free We all have challenges in life, but it is how we respond to them that defines who we are Read more Look out the window Share life with an animal (other than your kids) Spend your time wisely. It is the only thing you cannot make more of Own your thoughts and where they take you Be healthy, invest in yourself, and eat good food Dress up for Halloween Work hard, it is good for the soul Think less of yourself and more of others If what your kids are doing doesnt affect who they will be in 10 years, then let them do it Step in puddles Get off the interstate Dont eat at chain restaurants When is the last time you did something for the first time? Take care of your body, but have a cheat day when you can eat whatever you want Drink lemonade Respect others and their opinions, especially those that differ from yours Got the extra mile Dont drink and drive, dont text and drive, just drive Clear your thoughts, be still, and meditate, pray, follow the wisdom of others Laugh at yourself Cry when you should, and dont be afraid to do it in front of your mate or kids Choose your friends wisely Tell jokes, even bad ones Learn to play an instrument Bad things are going to happen, expect that and learn from them, then keep going strong This is your life, you choose how to live it. Dont waste even a moment.. Forgive others quickly and move on If someone doesn’t forgive you, dont hold a grudge, also move on Today is the first day of the rest of your life, make it count Only watch good movies, walk out of the rest Eat cookies on occasion Embrace people for who they are, not who they were or who you hope they will be Be wary of organized religion Have a pet name for your mate Be intimate Remember talk is cheap, do Learn to whistle Sing loud in the shower and the car Youre not perfect, so quit pretending to be, admit your faults Seldom are things as good as they initially seem, or as bad Give freely and expect nothing in return Take the stairs Hold the door for other people Smile, even when you may not feel like it, but be genuine Change before you have to ~Jack Welch Face reality as it is, not as it was, or as you hope it will be ~Jack Welch Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others: it is the only means ~Albert Einstein Make a promise and keep it Never take anyone for granted Watch Saving Private Ryan. REALLY Think about the sacrifice. Buy a veteran a meal and thank them You cannot choose the cards you are dealt, just the way you play them You better get real about fat or you will get real fat ~Dr. Phil You cannot control anyones behavior, only the consequence of that behavior Take advantage of your health. Do all you can while you can Truth without a relationship leads to rebellion ~Scott Cuming It is not the experience itself that is so valuable in life, rather the lessons learned from that experience Dont wait until youre ready, as you may never be. There is only now. And it is as good of a time as any. Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts ~Winston Churchill Many times new things arent better than fixing old things The best things in life dont have an on/off switch Not all who wander are lost ~unknown To live an interesting life, you must do interesting things, or be interested in other people and things A perfect life is one lived when forgiveness for yourself and others exceeds the mistakes you and others have made due to an unconditional love in your heart No one who can rise before dawn 360 days a year fails to make his family rich ~Chinese Proverb / Rice Farmer Is my lack of time needed to lead the most fulfilled life I can a result of undisciplined thinking focused on things that ultimately have no significance? What a realization tied to allowing the wandering of my thoughts today. How much time each day has already been spent (wasted) not filling other peoples buckets with encouragement and goodness, including my own? I am thankful for clarity, vision, and the pursuit of purpose in my life leading to quick realization and correction when lack of discipline creeps in. As a result, each day holds even more promise than the previous and I am allowed to give more to all, especially to those I love the most. Sent from my iBrain
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:48:41 +0000

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