Its 5:17am. Its been quite a while I did this. Not since my former - TopicsExpress


Its 5:17am. Its been quite a while I did this. Not since my former account. My head keeps aching. Like it wants me to let some things out. I think too much. Anyway, Lets talk about Love. Lots of people see love as a far-fetched emotion. Some say that it doesnt exist. But it does. You see, when you love someone, not the usual lust filled emotion But real consuming emotion, you will know. You not only think with your heart, But also your head. When you truly love someone, even your gut feels it. When someone you love hurts you, smiling, Its gonna hurt bad. Well, youll feel your heart trying to jump off your chest, figuratively, that is. I now understand why most people kill themselves after theyve been hurt. Youll think of all the horrible things that you wanna do to this person. At first, youll resent this person enough to wish him/her a terrible fate, death even. Thats why you hear of individuals that killed the person they love because they were hurt. But after the rush of blind rage,when youre calm, the concept of forgiveness will become clear. You will definitely forgive. But! Youll never forget. It becomes a constant reminder of how vulnerable you are to pain and hurt. You begin to wonder If everything will go back to the way it used to be. If your partner truly loves you,even after theyve hurt you, theyll try to make it up to you. Theyll be very sorry for the pain and misery that they put you through. But If they dont, theyll give you crap like you deserve the best you deserve to be happy and even more appalling bullshit. Thats their way of telling you off. -_- When you love someone, youll never want to lose the person. This person becomes a part of you that you cant do without. And even when youve been hurt by this person, youll still stay put cause you dont want to lose this person. Thats true love for you.♡ True love believes in trust.♡ True love believes in forgiveness. ♡ True love believes in hope.♡ Loving someone is like giving them a dagger and trusting them not to stab you. But you see, some low lives will stab you not once But twice. Now, after youve been hurt,the next thing is to let go. You cant be with a person who keeps hurting you. Mr brother, My sister, youre not immune to pain. You let go of the anger and move on. Bearing in mind, that theres a love thats above all. And Thats the love of Christ. Youll find out that while youve be pinning away, there are people who still love you. Hoping and praying that you come out of that hellhole of self pity and discover that theyve been at the other end calling and hoping youd notice them. There are people that you just dont hurt. Because They do NOT deserve it. A piece of my soul has been written down,not to expose anybody, But So that I can heal. So that people can be encouraged. If you felt touched by this, feel free to share. #MissCruz
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:09:27 +0000

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