Its 6am and its Monday morning and back to work for all ..except - TopicsExpress


Its 6am and its Monday morning and back to work for all ..except us will be on the work and school runs with Steven and Levi and must remember whos going where... Its a cold but fine morning here in Burnley.The fans are happy for two reasons this morning.first we took another step towards automatic promotion and secondly Danny won the Player of the Year award for the Championship..fantastic for him as its his first full season in this league having spent most of last season out injured.The best thing we did last summer was to sell an injury prone Charlie Austin to QPR and got over £4million for him.Many of us are convinced if we had kept hold of him the Vokes and Ings partnership probably would not have happened.Anyway onwards and upwards... I am off to the gym later and will be doing a spinning class.Its been a lot easier since I bought some padded shorts and a padded saddle cover.At least my arse doesnt feel like its on fire when its I hope everyone else has had a good weekend.I know investigators are still looking for the missing Malaysian plane.the mystery deepens and they think after the tracker on the plane was disabled it could have been flown anywhere by hi-jackers.Still its a bit hard to hide a whopping big plane like that.Ive always wondered why when a plane crashes they always find the black box...which is orange tact why not make the plane into one huge black Some great football yesterday on Telly with Liverpool beating Manyoo in a canter and they now could go on to win the Premier League.It is Citehs to lose though. Congratulations to Towenely Golf Club who beat Swinton GC 4-1 in the Mail Competition.Steven won his game 3 up 2 to play. Im hoping they draw Mytton Fold in the next round as it could see Steven taking on my mate Tony ...that would be fun to watch... Have a great day everyone... Four married guys go golfing. While playing the 4th hole, the following conversation took place: 1st Guy: You have no idea what I had to do to be able to come out golfing this weekend. I had to promise my wife that I will paint every room in the house next weekend. 2nd Guy: Thats nothing, I had to promise my wife I will build a new deck for the pool. 3rd Guy: Man, you both have it easy! I had to promise my wife I will remodel the kitchen for her. They continued to play the hole when they realized that the 4th guy hadnt said anything. So they asked him, You havent said anything about what you had to do to be able to come golfing this weekend. Whats the deal? 4th guy: I just set my alarm for 5:30 a.m. and when it went off, I shut off the alarm, gave the wife a nudge and said, golf course or intercourse? And she said, Wear your sweater.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 06:16:59 +0000

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