Its 9:00 and he still didnt come over... you hear a knock on the - TopicsExpress


Its 9:00 and he still didnt come over... you hear a knock on the door... It was a single door knock... but it was a loud one... You go and open it... It was him... He was dressed in black clothes... he had black boots... black jeans and a black shirt... He looked very dark... You think that it was kind of odd for a guy to wear so dark clothes on his first date... He also wore a necklace.. it was a black upside down cross... You came... You say as you notice his appearence... Indeed. Im here. Im not your imagination... He says with his calm voice and gets into the apartment. You were wearing a red dress, the dress was falling until your thighs. You look different You comment. I look different because its night... My clothes represent the enviroment around me... He says with a dark tone. You didnt expect him to talk like this. He wasnt that sweet kid from today morning... D-Do you need anything?... You ask nervously. Not knowing what to do in this kind of situation... He sat on the sofa with his back bent on the front... Nothing... thanks He said. You sat at the sofa next to him but at the other side of the sofa. Afraid. Of his sudden behaviour like this. Umm.. Sorry... Ill have to take some pills... its for a problem i have for my health... Do you have any water... He asked. Umm.. S-Sure.. You say and runned in the kitchen. You saw him taking out a pill. It had a quiet black-reddish colour. You wondered whats wrong with him. They didnt look like anemia pills. Here it is... You say, you bent over to give the water and as he drops the pills inside, you suddenly trip and fall together with the glass of water.... It shutters into million pieces of glass. Your arms and thighs are now full of scratches and blood... Ou-Ouch! You moan in pain. You just dropped my last pill... He says. You try to get up. What last pill...? You ask in pain. But all of a sudden you feel like you were dropped somewhere... Someone dropped you down to the floor... You look up and see him above you... He wasnt in his normal self... His eyes had taken a reddish colour... His fangs were very sharp... You looked him in terror... Was he the same person as before?... Theres no way he was the same one... Wh-Who are you? You ask in complete terror. I need your blood... He said in a deep tone, heavy breathing above you... My what...?!... Please dont hurt me... You screamed. He cut a bit on your neck with his fingernail. Your neck felt like bleeding. His finger was covered in blood. Your blood. You saw him licking his finger. His eyes became redder than before. He was an unnatural creature. He started leaning even more towards your neck. You couldnt even say anything before you felt his fangs deepening in your neck. You felt as someone stabbed you hard in the neck. As someone was taking blood from you. Weaker. He finally gets to pull of you but you were as if you were drunk... unable to stand up... You see him lift you and takes you to your bed... Im going to help you go through this... blood-mate Theese are the last words you hear before you fell asleep. The last thing you see is him laying next to you on the bed. You knew that something was going to change from now on... It felt like a beautiful nightmare...~ END OF PART 3. sadly ill have to sleep now. so goodnight
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:34:56 +0000

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