Its Adrien Maurice Dirac Paul Birthday is was born August 8, - TopicsExpress


Its Adrien Maurice Dirac Paul Birthday is was born August 8, 1902 in Bristol, England - October 20, 1984 in Tallahassee, Florida, USA is a British physicist and mathematician. It is one of the fathers of quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of antimatter. He is co-recipient with Erwin Schrödinger Nobel Prize in Physics 1933 for the discovery of new and useful forms of atomic theory Paul demonstrates exceptional qualities in mathematics. Technical School, he was initiated very early in mathematics, physics and chemistry. He studied mathematics in books ahead of the programs they attend classes. This advance is of great help in the last year of college. He then studied mathematics at the university of his native city and in 1923 between the University of Cambridge, where he will supervisor Ralph Fowler. In 1925, he met Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. Within six months of his arrival at Cambridge, he published two papers in statistical mechanics and quantum physics of atoms. In May 1924 Dirac completed his first paper on quantum issues and completed four more in November 1925. In 1926, he notes that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a declaration of non commutative quantum mechanics, it demonstrates the physical equivalence of wave mechanics and matrix mechanics. He realizes the analogy with Poisson brackets in Hamiltonian mechanics. Paul Dirac was probably suffering from Asperger more or moin almost 10for percent of the population suffers from some form of this syndrome which allows increased capacity of operation of the emotions associated with such human brain Nicolas Tesla was suffering from one form of this syndrome It also makes a mathematically consistent quantum theory by combining the ideas of Schrödinger and Heisenberg. It proposes and discusses the concept of magnetic monopole, a particle never observed as a way to bring even more symmetry to Maxwells equations. Dirac published eleven articles in the press before defending his doctoral thesis. After his Ph.D., he went to work with Bohr in Copenhagen. He joined Göttingen in 1927 In September, he was invited to the fifth Solvay conference where he met Albert Einstein. In 1928, he deducted the work of Pauli spin system on a non-relativistic equation describing the relativistic electron, and containing within itself the spin. It is now called the Dirac equation. This allows Dirac predicted in 1931 the existence of a particle called the positron, the antiparticle of the electron. It was not until 1932 that Anderson and Patrick Blackett observe this particle. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 with Erwin Schrödinger to the discovery of new and useful forms of atomic theory. That same year he published a paper on the Lagrangian in quantum mechanics which inspired Richard Feynman. Dirac was Lucasian Professor at the University of Cambridge from 1932 to 1969 and professor of undergraduate at the University of Bristol. He was awarded the Royal Medal in 1939 and the Copley Medal in 1952 In 1970, he joined the University of Florida and moved to Tallahassee Dirac is one of the leading designer creator discoverer of quantum physics is proving to be correct and fair even today he is a natural in its own right; For the purpose of the quantum formalism, Dirac introduced a singular object, now called the Dirac distribution and also has other appelation as mass Dirac Dirac pulse, this pulse is a signal duration theoretically zero but infinite pulse amplitude This concept had no precise mathematical foundation: in particular, it could not be a regular feature, as a function that is zero almost everywhere has an integral identically zero, according to the theory of Lebesgue integration. The mathematician Laurent Schwartz coined the appropriate tools to rigorously describe such objects, the theory of distributions. Commonly, a measure is that if any of the Dirac density is concentrated at a single point is said. For Dirac, only the mathematical beauty of the theory prevailed, it was not much influenced by the experimental results. This gave his famous classic textbook on quantum mechanics and excellent work of general relativity. Renowned for it was: quantum Mechanics Fermi-Dirac Dirac equation Dirac distribution Dirac comb Dirac particle Dirac notation Bra-ket notation Honors Nobel Prize in Physics (1933) Copley Medal OBE Photo Copyleft
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 16:15:50 +0000

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