Its Augustin Louis CauchyBirthday born in Paris 21 August 1789 - TopicsExpress


Its Augustin Louis CauchyBirthday born in Paris 21 August 1789 and died in Sceaux (Hauts-de-Seine) May 23, 1857, is a French mathematician, member of the Academy of Sciences and professor at the Ecole Polytechnique. He was one of the most prolific mathematicians of all time, though beaten by Leonhard Euler and Paul Erdős, with nearly 800 publications and seven books; his research covers all areas of mathematics at the time. He was responsible for analyzing the introduction of holomorphic functions and convergence criteria suites and entire series. His work on permutations were precursors of group theory. In optics, he was responsible for work on the propagation of electromagnetic waves. His work has greatly influenced the development of mathematics in the nineteenth century His name is on the list of seventy-two names of scholars enrolled at the Eiffel Tower and Receipts At 16, in 1805, he received the second contest of the Ecole Polytechnique. He first received the prestigious body of the National School of Bridges and Roads in 1807 he became engineers and participated in the construction of a canal that Ourcq and a bridge that of St. Cloudet On 18 January 1810 he was appointed to look after the construction of the military port of Cherbourg, which later became a strategic military position of the First Empire. While at Cherbourg, he began his early work in mathematics in his spare time, self-taught independent academic institutions. he published, encouraged by Lagrange, his first two memoirs on polyhedra, in February 1811 and in January 1812, also gives hours of informal education to prepare students for the entrance exams, and is passionate about the natural History he succeeded in fall 1812 returned to Paris and takes a few months to leave and he expressed the wish to abandon his engineering work to focus on mathematics. he made two applications to the Academy of Sciences, then called the Institute, but were both rejected this did not prevented a few years after receiving an award from the Academy of Sciences. In December 1814 Cauchy temporarily gets a job at the philomathique Company. In 1816 he won the mathematics to work on wave propagation. He became an assistant at the Polytechnic in November 1815, then professor of analysis and mechanics in December professor. Following an order of March 21, 1816 reinstating the Academies, he joined the Royal Academy of Sciences in appointment. It gives each year at the Polytechnic course analysis until 1830. At the invitation of the King of Piedmont, Charles Albert, he served for 2 years, the newly created sublime physics at the University of Turin in January 1832 Chair In 1849 Cauchy became after Urbain Le Verrier, Chair of Mathematics at the Faculty of Paris astronomy. The predominance of Cauchy science is explained by the multitude of his fields of study: work embrace almost all branches of mathematics, from number theory and pure geometry to astronomy and optics. It outlines and demonstrates the intermediate value theorem, demonstration already finalized by Bolzano in 1817 from the Cauchy criterion for the convergence of sequences. In Cauchy, the first concept is that of variable quantity. It is from this concept that defined the concepts of limits and infinitesimal. He is the first to a serious definition of integration. It defines the integral of a function of a real variable over a range as a boundary of a sequence of Riemann sums taken over an increasing sequence of subdivisions of the interval considered. Its definition provides an integration theory for continuous functions. We owe to the Cauchy introduction of the foundations of complex analysis. In algebra part of the work of Cauchy and Lagrange are considered precursors of group theory. In linear algebra, he wrote a treatise on the decisive Cauchy was interested closer to astronomical from his election to the Bureau des Longitudes in 1839 calculations. Focusing on the variation of ether molecules, Cauchy equations establishes propagation of light in 1829. Cauchy proved the laws of reflection and refraction of light, He found the results of Brewster on the change in the polarization angle at a reflection or refraction. it demonstrates the existence of evanescent waves, experimentally verified by Jasmin. Under the influence of Coriolis Cauchy studied light scattering. His work in the shadows rejected an objection to the wave theory of light. It brought to light the phenomenon of diffraction. His last wish was that his work is the subject of a full publication Photo Copyleft
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:18:08 +0000

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