Its Benjamin Franklin Birthday born January 17, 1706 in the - TopicsExpress


Its Benjamin Franklin Birthday born January 17, 1706 in the United States of North America and died April 17, 1790 in United States of America, he was a scientist, printer, publisher, writer, journalist, librarian, naturalist, inventor and politician American man of letters, bibliophile, physicist and inventor of the lightning rod he was also founder of charities, philosopher and moralist, politician and diplomat acknowledged ambassador he was also a Mason and a precursor of utilitarianism, c was self-taught proved that demonstrated the electrical nature of lightning. He created the first mobile libraries and was founder of several scientific societies, including the activity was at the origin of the University of Pennsylvania (His name was given to the Franklin Institute in Pennsylvania, one of the oldest and prestigious American community organizations devoted to scientific research.) He participated in the drafting of the Constitution and the drafting of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America which it is a signatory, which made him one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. The life of Benjamin Franklin is largely characterized by the desire to help the community. The foundation of the first volunteer fire department in Philadelphia, the first US lending library and the invention of controlled combustion wood stove illustrate his ambition to improve the quality of life and access to education his fellow citizens. With the invention of the lightning rod, he manages to avert the danger posed so far this natural phenomenon. Benjamin Franklin conducted a printer career, before retiring from business at the age of 42 years to enter politics. He was co-editor with Thomas Jefferson and signed the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776 and is on the basis it is one of the founding fathers of the United States. The Congress of independence appointed Master General of Posts and instructed to print stamps and tickets, Benjamin Franklin was also named the first ambassador to France and has contributed conquir the French public by the idea of freedom . The young Benjamin Franklin was especially interested in the books, so much so that in his Autobiography he said that he does not remember never to have been unable to read. Always animated by the idea of creating his own printing Benjamin Franklin started worked in London as a printer at Samuel Palmer can about eighteen months he knew accumulated a small savings, especially giving swimming lessons in weekend then ending his training he learned the latest techniques in printing and was introduced to science, including physics and chemistry, optics and mechanics. Franklin felt good in London United Kingdom. Benjamin Franklin also printed during its banknotes course for the New Jersey colony. In 1729 he acquired the printing and the newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette. This allowed him to publish regular columns and editorials that have made the most quickly read newspaper in colonial America. Philadelphia to develop the economy he defended the idea of printing paper money to the State of Pennsylvania and at the same time he got the market; This very lucrative contract allowed him to repay its debts. At the same time he opened a shop selling paper, scrolls, and other items. On 30 January 1730 he was elected official printer of the government of Pennsylvania. He founded a group Nomé the Junta, was a focus group meeting with him Friday of each week to discuss philosophical topics and creating actual assistance between twenty members and beyond to care for all citizens. The success was such that he was forced to induce the proliferation of this kind of association, no home can accommodate everyone who wanted to participate. He decided to unite the associations and give them common or specific objectives and expressed the idea of sharing books of all members to create a library, it gave him the idea of founding the first library City in 1731; What has been done some time later and this library was accessible to all against a modest annual subscription. In 1742 the library was enriched with new members and especially books and took the name of Philadelphia Library Company. At that time the library had about 8,000 books, instruments and physical tools, a collection of natural history objects, as well as art collections and some land around Philadelphia, the model library has been copied to the delight of Benjamin Franklin in the entire state of Pennsylvania and other colonies. The idea of making books available to as many rejoiced Benjamin Franklin, who saw a way to pass the ideals of freedom. Benjamin Franklin also learned several foreign languages including French, German, Spanish and Italian. On June 24, 1734 Benjamin Franklin was elevated to the rank of Grand Master of the great Masonic Lodge of Pennsylvania (third degree elevation in this Lodge). The city of Philadelphia was then rightly considered the cradle of Masonry in the United States of North America, but this is the first in Boston Lodge with a constitution was installed. In 1738 he established the first American fire company in Philadelphia, the Union Fire Company. In 1752 he created and opened the Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. In 1756 it reformed Philadelphia Police by putting in place new regulations to better protect citizens while preserving their privacy and it also sets up a public lighting in the streets of Philadelphia, he was then fifty years. Back in England he landed at the Isle of Wight, he was appointed agent of the colonies in London is the ambassador is not only in Pennsylvania but also from Massachusetts, New Jersey and Georgia, remain eleven years in the position. On 1 October 1764 he lost his seat in the Assembly of Pennsylvania and is accused by his opponents of being favorable to the royal government because he coveted the post of governor. In 1765 calling for a repeal of the Stamp Act. In 1767 during a trip to Paris in France between August and October is presented to Louis XV. In 1769 he was elected president of the American Philosophical Society. In 1776 Benjamin Franklin chaired the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention. He is a member of the Five Commission including Thomas Jefferson commissioned by the Second Continental Congress to draft the Declaration of Independence of the text and it is a signatory to the representatives of the Thirteen Colonies side. In October 1776 Franklin left for France and go to the capital city of Paris to serve as an unofficial ambassador of the United States in France. It is present to call the French to support the Americans in their war of independence. Extolled by the scientific community and Parisian literary, it is seen as the incarnation of humanistic values of the Enlightenment. At a meeting of the French Academy, Franklin and Voltaire have embraced publicly. In 1778 he became a member of the Masonic Lodge of the Nine Sisters venerable then be elected the following year and re-elected in 1780. In 1783, Adams, Jay and Benjamin Franklin, then the age of seventy years, signed for the United States a peace treaty that guarantees independence; This treaty ended the war of independence. In 1785 he was elected the new President of the State of Pennsylvania for three years and then he participated in the drafting of the US Constitution. Benjamin Franklin was also the only founding father of America (founding father) to sign the three founding documents of the United States or the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris and the US Constitution. Franklin was particularly famous for his work in science in the field of electricity including his experiments on electricity in the clouds and his explanation of lightning. In 1750 he drafted the protocol of a famous experiment with a kite to prove his opponents of the Royal Society as lightning discharges were simple electrical in nature and had the idea to fly a kite flying in the storm cloud passage, the string of the kite once moistened and distancing a metal key to released evidence of the natural electricity to the energy of a ELAIR lightning from clouds in the sky; To avoid ridicule and limit the danger Benjamin Franklin decided to conduct the experiment in private between other for the purpose of obvious risks that could be fatal to two experimenters experience. His research led to the invention of the lightning rod, the first copies are installed on his house on Independence Hall as well as the Academy of Philadelphia. The Royal Society awarded him the Copley Medal in 1754. Franklin was also a pioneer researcher in the field of meteorology (Franklin bells) and one of the first men to ride in a hot air balloon. At the time of the first balloon flight in 1783 his house was being neighbor of the flight field. He made a description in a private correspondence and met the Marquis Arlandes and one brother Montgolfier, the analysis of the flight by hot air balloon and gas he did on this occasion was fascinating. In 1762 he invented the glass harmonica. He is also the inventor of bifocals and wood stove (controlled combustion). In 1768 he proposed a spelling reform for the English language with a new phonetic alphabet (which possibly hide the key to the hidden secrets) but cala will not meet much success and Franklin has placed all his inventions public domain and made it clear in his writings that this was a deliberate intention. In 1770 he was the first to map the ocean current of the Gulf Stream along the eastern seaboard of the United States. Franklin was also the first to propose an experiment to calculate the size of a molecule. It was in 1784 the first to evoke the idea to stagger the departures between another to save energy, this idea has been without result until the twentieth century with imposing the transition to summer time. In 1785 Benjamin Franklin became president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society. The company asked him to bring the issue of slavery at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 is what he did in 1790. In 2006, in Philadelphia, many events were organized to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. In France, a dedicated exhibition Benjamin Franklin was set up at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. Franklin bequeathed to George Washingtons wild apple stick with which he was accustomed to walk. His books have meanwhile been transferred to different institutions and grandchildren son. We also remember that during his last years of life he was a staunch supporter of the abolition of slavery; Which nowadays come back aa ensure that each governor of each states of the country the United States of North america abolish the death penalty are on territory are etat. photo copyleft
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 12:36:28 +0000

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