Its Can of Worms Thursday ;) If you met me in person I am a - TopicsExpress


Its Can of Worms Thursday ;) If you met me in person I am a pretty straight shooter. I think honesty and objectivity is the best policy although I don’t think everyone deserves to know your business, especially on Facebook. So be as open as you feel comfortable being. I do believe that more open and transparent ‘positive’ dialogue in this area is needed and would benefit our sport and the health of those within it. In the scene of weightlifting whether this refers to the average lifter, the bodybuilder or the powerlifter, there are three main camps that I have witnessed over the years. Let’s look at them objectively and I am interested in hearing your thoughts about any aspect that you feel relates to them. To qualify. I agree that everyone is entitled to do what they want to do ‘to themselves’ but I do care how and what someone does might harm them and especially how it influences others in a negative way, so let’s throw that into the mix. The three main camps I am referring to are: 1. Those who do not use any form of synthetic hormone replacement although know it is an option. I am not referring to the person who may need to but is completely uninformed about it. 2. Those who use hormone replacement therapy via prescription. There are a mixture of those who really need it within this camp and there are those who don’t necessarily need it but want it because they feel better psychologically and/or physically on it. 3. Those who use black market or UG hormones and most often well over therapeutic dosages and not under the supervision of their doctor. Some are responsible here and include their physician which I highly recommend. Feel free to comment on either camp and about anything that relates to this subject. I will start with a debate within the bodybuilding/powerlifting community and I will expound/expand on that a little. Should HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) users who are ‘supposedly’ seeking to regulate their testosterone level (T-levels) to ‘normal’ levels be allowed to compete in natural or drug-free events if their doctor confirms that their T-levels were below normal and ‘required’ therapy to normalize and improve overall physiological health? My answer to this is NO for one main reason and that is because once an individual begins taking synthetic testosterone it is impossible to know if normal T-levels were maintained and not exceeded during training. This alone leaves room for a very unfair advantage but it in a sense punishes those who do not exceed normal T-levels. This causes a problem though as it then means that HRT participants are left to compete in non-drug tested events against competitors who often take high dosages of AAS or HGH. Should there be three divisions for competitors? Two can remain in the natural realm but there could be a class/category or division for HRT participants who must test within normal T-levels and ONLY for the hormone prescribed. The third stand alone division would be non-drug tested. Your thoughts, comments or questions?????????
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 16:08:33 +0000

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