Its Fun Having to Compare Android Phones with Iphone, But - TopicsExpress


Its Fun Having to Compare Android Phones with Iphone, But Filipinos Put Some Mediocrity Into it Ive had this sort of a dilemma many times - I was forced to give up my beliefs on choices I made in life. The college I went to, the pair of shoes I buy and even the food places I dine in. On colleges, people think having the opportunity to go to big universities is A WAY better option than the local college your money can afford, or your parents. I have GOOD friends who are alumna of the big universities, and I dont have anything against them; theyre a good bunch of people. But when graduates from my own college cheer for UP or Ateneo like its their alma mater is so wrong. Id have to clear out the argument to avoid pinning myself in a corner here - your choice of college or university does not make a better person. And no, wearing a jersey of a school where you were not part of isnt gonna make you cool. On pair of shoes. You may have all the moolah to buy the best pair of shoes, but if the pair is to be bragged without the proper training, youll end like an eagle without the bald, er, claw? On places I dine in. Yes, I am a cheapskate. And my budget determines the kind of food I eat. And no, Im not gonna spend all of my hard earned money just so I can tell other people the story of how I spent all of my hard earned money for a small platito of something I can engorge in 20 secconds. What does this have to do with the ongoing Android vs. Iphone battle? There is one thing I learned from my UNDERESTIMATED, little known alma mater - function supersedes form, or anything close to that. Ive seen people line up for the top of the line unit yet they do not know how to use them. Or pay for 40,000pesos for something they will use as a mirror in public. I own an Android phone. Wait, I own four Android phones. I never wished to have an Iphone. Why? Because I like Android; because my phones give me what I needed. Did I like Android because I hated Iphone? Honest answer: I wished there was only one kind of phone. Because if there was, I wouldnt be bothering myself having to write this post. Function versus form.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:50:34 +0000

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