Its Mighty Morphin Rantin Time! *Cue epic music* Every single - TopicsExpress


Its Mighty Morphin Rantin Time! *Cue epic music* Every single person living on Earth should somewhat consider themselves an environmentalist, at least to a small degree, and the fact that they dont boggles my mind. If you dont care for the animals and the trees for the sake of the animals and the trees, fine, but you should at least care about them for your own sake if nothing else. Because guess what dumb dumb? If the trees and oceans and animals go bye bye, we go bye bye. You cant screw up one part of the ecosystem and not affect the other. I used to think snakes, spiders, and scorpions were the animals I was most afraid of, but theyre not. Human beings are the only animal species with the capability to completely destroy the planet. Be it through nuclear war, pollution, killing off too many other species, etc. If that doesnt scare you, I dont know what will. We are causing an unprecedented extinction rate and overheating/polluting the world. Global warming is a real thing. Who would make that up? Did Al Gore get a wild hair up his butt one morning and just decide to pay off 98% of climate scientists to say that its real? You know who would say it was made up? You know who has something to lose? Billion dollar corporations that stand to lose lots of money by switching to solar/wind/alternative energy sources. Were putting profits before everything else, nature, people, not considering the consequences. Its ridiculous. We share this planet with literally countless amounts of other creatures. It is not ours to ruin or control how we see fit. Im sorry, despite your beliefs, Jesus is not going to come down and stop the world from ending, or start it for that matter, nor is any other deity or mythical creature. The only people who can stop the destruction of our planet is us. We can live in harmony with nature if we so chose. Or we can destroy it, and ourselves along with it. Pretty simple choice to me.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 01:27:40 +0000

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