Its Monday the 24th of November 2014 and I greet you all. Todays - TopicsExpress


Its Monday the 24th of November 2014 and I greet you all. Todays status is titled; ARE WE READY TO HAVE CHILDREN OR NOT? Its dedicated to all parents especially those that are committed to their jobs/work, have less time for their children and all they can do is to hire a house help or what many refer to as a maid to look after their children. It is one thing to bear kids and have the entire neighborhood or community recognizing you as a father or mother and it is another to be a real parent. Time and again you hear people relating children to respect in society and other bare them to prove to others that they have the ability. There are those that seem to be in a competition to prove to others how fertile they are. All that might be fine but the issue is; as you have all those children or if you want to bear even one, are you also ready to avail all the necessary time to look after you child/children? I thank those that opt for a leave from work or even quit their jobs and take good care of their children until they are sure that the children can be independent in one way or the other. I also thank grand parents that take good care of their grand children than to leave them with such a young girl that in this video turns out to be a monster busy wanting to kill the innocent child. I wonder if her spinal cord is in good shape! This is one of the many cases that happen everyday in various communities. Children are tortured to the extent that they fear even to open their mouth to say anything as they believe that by opening up, they would have caused more problems for themselves. Some fathers and mothers also dont have time for their children and that has created a gap between them. As a parent, if you create no rapport with he child, they will never tell you how they feel or what they want to do. As for you the house helps that might be falling in the category of the lady in the footage, please, please and please. If you do not want to take care of such a child, it is better to resign or go look for elsewhere to work than to hurt other peoples children. I am sure that the lady in this clip doesnt even know how it feels to carry it for 9month, has not had any labor pains and knows nothing about parenting. So if you are looking for a house help and you need them to look after your child, I advise you to be careful with whoever you give the job to because at the end of the day, they play a great role in who that child will be. I also suggest that you take care of your child. Someone else would say to you; carry your cross. Allow me to end here for today saying; now that you have watched this video, what would you do if you were the mother or father of the child that was tortured? How would you react if you were the Judge? I remain yours rightfully: Slim Emcee[UG]the poet. Hotep in Merita. https://facebook/video.php?v=1643012599259601
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:44:39 +0000

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