Its Saturday. You signed up for a free strategy call with me. - TopicsExpress


Its Saturday. You signed up for a free strategy call with me. So, Im calling you. You know who I am and why Im on the phone - thats cool! We chat for a little while. We talk about your goals. Where you are right now in business and where you want to get to. What you do and what you want to be doing. We talk about your target income of $200k and you tell me how important that is to you - pay off the mortgage sooner, take a holiday, go to dinner with your husband and enjoy nights out with friends away from the kids. Then, its time to get down to the nitty-gritty and get honest. I ask you a series of questions, Im doing that because I need to know the answers, the truth, so I can determine whether I can help you or not. BUT You tell me I dont need to know the answer... You have never done this process or spoken with me before - how would you know the answer isnt important? You lie to me. You talk over the top of me. You dont listen to me when Im speaking to you. You say... How long is this going to take. Me: Well that depends on how long it takes for you to give me the information I need but generally between 45 mins and an hour and a half. You: Hmmm, I dont have that kind of time. Can we have this conversation another time? Me: You asked me to call, its a Saturday and Im sacrificing some of my weekend to see where you need help. You have just told me that the kids are out with Dad, and you arent working... why dont you have the time. It may have been best for both of us if you had mentioned that you didnt have time to talk when I first called. You: I really need to have a sleep. Me: I hear what youre saying and it sounds to me like youre saying that having those freedoms (pay off the mortgage sooner, take a holiday, go to dinner with your husband and enjoy nights out with friends away from the kids) that your target income would create is really important to you. Is that right? You: Yes. Me: I also hear you saying that youd like to have this conversations another time even though you said that those things are really important to you but youre much rather get off the phone and that having a Saturday afternoon nap is more important to you than creating those freedoms in your life... is that right? What happened next? DISCUSS:
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:35:12 +0000

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