Its Sunday night! Time to rant! July 15, I reported to Aurora - TopicsExpress


Its Sunday night! Time to rant! July 15, I reported to Aurora Occupational Clinic for my annual DOT. physical. after I had completed the whole thing, I was informed that I couldnt get my medical card because I hadnt completed a stress test, an echocardiogram, and I didnt have the notes from my last visit with my cardiologist! My company forgot to tell me and have since admitted that they werent aware of these requirements! Well, after a month of jumping through hoops, I have my Medical card, in hand and registered! Now I can drive for one more year, and do it all over again, the great thing is that, that will be my last one,,, forever,, I pray! I had a great month off, I did lots of stuff, and accomplished more than I thought that I could, but there is more to do. I have to sort through 20 plus years of accumulation. Lots gets thrown away and burned, but Im finding stuff that I didnt remember having! I spent my last weekend with family. Pete and I went up north Friday and Joe came up. Mellisa came up Saturday and then in the evening Ben and Tom came with Seth, and Maress and Marceline. We were joined later by Rachel, and we had fun, it was great! Today Katlynn stopped by to say Hi, to Ben, and had supper with us. Getting back to the accumulation thing, I do come by it honestly, My Mom was an accumulator! I am just trying to get a handle on what I have, something that Mom wasnt able to do. She had so much stuff and it was everywhere! Anne, and Billy found homemade butter in a freezer, in 1998. Mom and Dad hadnt had a cow since 1976 or 1977, so that butter was over 20 years old. The freezer had been struck by lightening, and had been wrecked for quite some time and the stuff on top had started to melt, and had run down into the bottom layers, so other than that, the butter was still good, but had been contaminated by who knows what, and we just tossed it, rather than take a chance on someone getting sick! I hope that I dont get that way, but when someone needs something, if I have it, they know where to find me, and now maybe I will be able to find it for them. I collect people more than stuff now days, its alot more rewarding and I enjoy it more! And a person isnt as likely to forget where you placed them, and you really have a hard time throwing them away,, they wiggle to much!! So my vacation, forced on me as it was, ends tomorrow morning! And a warm and happy weekend comes to and end with bad news. A death, of a young man. No names! No info at all at this time. But It brings us all down in a crumpled mess, Just sad! I love you all, and if you have problems, get in touch if you choose, nothing is so bad that you cant be helped! I will listen, and if you want, advise you, but you have to ask, I wont force my opinions on anyone! Sam, Lila Jo, Joe and Josey will be coming next weekend, not sure when we will see them, but I can hardly wait! Well, I need to attend some things, so Ill say goodnight! I love you and am so happy that I have you all. In the words of Jesse Edwards, God loves you and so do I! I love all of you, just some of you more than others! God bless you, and remember, He will, if you give Him a chance! He wants to bless you more and more!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:16:03 +0000

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