Its Sunday; the end to a beautiful weekend. So many things and - TopicsExpress


Its Sunday; the end to a beautiful weekend. So many things and people for all of us to be thankful for. (I tried as hard as I could to not end that with a preposition.) I know what each one of yall are thinking: shes thankful for being healthy, no new people with an ebola diagnosis... And yes I am so thankful for that; we all are, but theres so much more. This weekend I was blessed with witnessing the Dallas Healthcare Community changing. And changing for the better. I also witnessed and became a part of something I never dreamed would be so wonderful. It all started about a week ago. An employee at Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC) contacted me to ask if she could arrange for the ICU unit that she works in to deliver a basket of goodies for the hospital staff, Nina, and Amber. I obviously said yes. Well over the course of the week she continued to provide me with updates so that the delivery could be arranged. She kept noting how this small basket had turned into a rather large basket and eventually it turned in to 3 carloads of stuff. When delivery day came (Saturday night), I was lucky to have several nurses help greet the BUMC team and carry the items up. Words can not describe how much love was put into these care kits. There were baskets for each of the girls (dont want to go into detail- itd ruin the surprise for them), a basket for Bentley, food, toiletries, gift cards to restaurants, clothing stores, and so many other items! The most beautiful thing about this was the fact that she was right. It was much bigger than anticipated. It became a donation that was no longer just from Baylor but also Methodist Hospital system. There was a banner... I mean a huge banner, that had well wishes written by everyone imaginable. Messages for our staff, the girls, the doctors, and the hospital in general. We were all in tears- this was overwhelming and so generous. As a group we are very grateful for all the items. However, after the BUMC members left, and we went back upstairs, we just couldnt quit talking about how nice it was that these two, in all honesty, two competing hospitals, opened their wallets and hearts to another hospital in the community. In watching my coworkers go through the items and reading the cards, it suddenly hit me that I was part of something bigger. Yes we say were family but I truly felt the feeling of a family unit in that moment. I smiled and teared up a little, because I am a part of it. Our team is so strong and supportive of each other. When one person falls, everyone is there to lift them up. Each person is coping with the horrible sights, words, publicity, scrutiny, and everything else that comes with being in the limelight of a disaster differently. But, the key is, is that they are coping, and they are coping with and because of each other. WE ARE COPING. Ebola sucks! There is nothing great about it. But what is great and what doesnt suck, is that the Presby family just grew a lot bigger. To see the support of other hospital systems and the many ways in such they are helping us cope, when they are also distraught and coping as well, brings me such joy. To see selfless acts of love is amazing. This horrible, sucky, thing, has made something awesome happen. It has taken away that competition and made the healthcare community better. I truly feel that the end result will be that Dallas will be the healthcare community to compete with. Not the individual hospitals, but the healthcare community itself. Because of these generous acts, we are no longer individual competing hospitals, we are a commUNITY. So tonight, I am thankful for my family (work and blood), my friends (old and new), and for the opportunity to be a part of a movement. A movement to UNITY. So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth. Bahaullah
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 01:36:50 +0000

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