Its Veterans Day...A Day we honor Our Men and Women that fight and - TopicsExpress


Its Veterans Day...A Day we honor Our Men and Women that fight and have fought for our freedom and rights that some people take for granted...When our freedom is threated these Men and women come to the aid of their country knowing the dangers of keep their familys and others safe and free.. They dont question why? They are ready...We shall never know the feelings of a Veteran and how they felt to be eye to eye with the enemy before shotting them...or making friends with another soldier to find secs later their wounded or dead...or not knowing who to trust..or surrounded with no way out..captured beating,starved,and shot if trying to exscape... And to you protesters thank God for our Veterans you wouldnt be able to protest without them....No one wants war but when it threatens our way of life and freedom its these Veterans that have came forth...As long as theres evil in this world thell be wars...If you want something to protest..protest how the emenmy threatens us..and how inhuman they are to our men and women when captured...Makes me mad some of you work cushy jobs and some dont even work they live off the goverment...People imagrate here from other lands because they want the freedom we have and our goverment sets them up on places to live,jobs,and food...And when our men and women come home we find some Veterans homeless,jobless,and straving,their families struggling to get by... My opinion there should not be one Veteran homeless,nor straving..They should be set for life We owe them that for all they did for us and continue to do for us..They are true Americans,Heros Everyone of them...So when you see a Veteran dont look at him in pety...shake their hand, hug them thank them for a job well done... Remember Some men and women dont have family here in the states and never recieve mail..So try to write a Soldier They would love to hear from you and know someone is thinking of them... Im proud to be an American I and many others Salute our Veterans Thank you for a Job well done....God Bless Our Vets...
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 20:21:29 +0000

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