Its a NEW YEAR...why not work on a NEW YOU? Here is what Shonda - TopicsExpress


Its a NEW YEAR...why not work on a NEW YOU? Here is what Shonda Spencer says ~ See that girl on the left? She wore black all the time and stood behind her friends in group pictures because she was embarrassed about her weight. That was me 5 years ago. I was depressed, overweight, and sick. The first steps toward getting better were hard and involved medication. The next step was finding Zumba - a fitness program I love and could stick to. After about a year, exercise enabled me to get off medication for depression and I lost 20 pounds. I became an instructor, I started changing my diet and feeling better emotionally, but I was still sick. I was pre-diabetic, I suffered from fatigue and chronic joint pain. Then I found Plexus. 1 year later, I am off all prescription medications, I feel better than ever, I dont need naps to get through my day because of the sustained energy Plexus Slim and X Factor vitamins have given me. Plexus works and I know how to maximize the effectiveness of our products. Message me and Ill help you get started. You are worth it!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:43:07 +0000

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