Its a PROGRESS Day! Sometimes we do things and never even know - TopicsExpress


Its a PROGRESS Day! Sometimes we do things and never even know if our efforts are going to yield the fruits we desire, yet we do them anyway. This is actually what is meant by the often misunderstood concept of having no attachment. You do what you do because YOU want to do them, whether or not efforts seem rewarded. ;-) But TODAY, some of my personal little efforts were wonderfully rewarded: I know its just a little thing, but GUESS WHO finally comes when I call her? Yup! Miss Feral Sideways Head Kitty! And guess who not only played with me from the other side of the door but also played with me for a few minutes through a crack in the door? Yup! I really do think I am going to end up petting this little kitty and for that I am so grateful. :-) And weve had progress with another animal project I havent even mentioned to you guys - Bird Holes! My daughter has two cockatiels, Alphie and Snow (or rather *I* have two cockatiels ;-) ) Since I dont have the heart to cut their wings (birds are SUPPOSED to fly!) they basically have the run of a spare bedroom. Think Walk-In Aviary ;-) As some of you may remember, before I moved here, the cockatiels were in my office - Alphie helped me type quite a few posts! :-D But now, they are out of the way and dont have much traffic. And I feel badly about their isolation. SO, I invented Bird Holes! Theyre sort of like portholes for the birds and connect their room to the living area of the house. I made them with pet doors, flaps removed and mounted sideways. When we want or need to, they are hidden behind decorative wooden panels. If we ever sell this house, its actually a minor sheetrock repair and no one will know they were even there! ANYHOO, Progress today! Its taken a while - cockatiels dont like you moving their food dish, let alone installing bird holes, and so it has taken a while for them to be curious. But TODAY I saw Alphie fly off the perch from the other side of the bird hole, so YAY! Hes beginning to investigate looking out and being more a part of the flow of things. Snow will follow him shortly. Perfect! No more isolation - they can have a safe voyeuristic peephole into our world. ;-) Now, if I can only keep Caesar from jumping up and hanging from the wire in his attempt them (more like MEAT them!)! :-D I mounted the bird holes high in anticipation of this, but I guess for a cat there is never too high! Anyhoo - its wonderful progress anyway! Birds are peeking...Sideways head cats are happily playing. Now if i can only keep Caesar from leaping! :-D Life is good!!!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:09:32 +0000

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