Its a beautiful day outside and i promise that i am in a good - TopicsExpress


Its a beautiful day outside and i promise that i am in a good frame of mind. Just been going over some financials and lets be real for a few ok... i live in an area that happens to have no bus service but if i walk 30 minutes south there is a bus stop, because of this i take cabs which cost me 300.00 every two weeks, 45% of my damn check every month. I cant get a ride from coworkers because no one lives around me. I can either find a job closer to where i am at to save money but the jobs in this area again are not only few and far between but id still need to get a cab. I can try to find a residence closer to my job but im not sure how long i still want to be at my job. Am i frustrated... Hell to the muthaphuckin yes cuz on top of that I have ppl that owe me money and they are going through financial issues so me getting repaid.... i dont know, o dont know. Im doing the best i can. I make sure my bills get paid even when i dont have the $, i make sure i dont owe anyone cuz i hate borrowing $, i sold my favorite diamond ring to help me out and ppl i am so TIRED of this perpetual cycle. Do i want to just pack it up and leave Georgia, yes. Ive never had to struggle so hard, but ive also havent experienced it for the beauty it holds. Ive met good ppl who do inspire me to keep on even when i want to quit and have every reason to. Its because of that i am still here. I cant give up. I wont allow myself. Again im not in a bad mood but ppl ask me how im feeling and this ladies and gentlemen is how im feeling. Im done.... Have a blessed day, truly.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 15:51:19 +0000

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