Its a crazy Wednesday, Legend Legion! Sorry for the late post, but - TopicsExpress


Its a crazy Wednesday, Legend Legion! Sorry for the late post, but we couldnt pass up the chance to let you know about all of this weeks new stuff, like Shutter #1 and Walking Dead #125 from Image, Batman Eternal #1 from DC, All-New Doop #1 and Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1 from Marvel, Lumberjanes #1 from Boom and much more! SPEAKING OF THE WALKING DEAD, dont forget our Walking Dead Fundraiser benefiting Make-A-Wish Nebraska! Tickets for the drawing are on sale RIGHT NOW at the shop or the link below. Remember: the more we raise, the better the prize becomes! Full details are at the link! In lieu of the Wednesday Question, we present a Wednesday Challenge: our fundraising goal for this year is high. Some might think that its unreasonably high based on past years, but we dont agree. We believe that the Legend Legions ability to accomplish great things is STAGGERING. If everyone that liked this page donated $10 any time during the next three weeks, we would beat our goal by almost 30%. If everyone that liked the Legend page shared this link and spread the word about the fundraiser, just imagine what we could accomplish. Please, PLEASE search your hearts, search your wallets, DONATE, and help spread the word about this important cause. Thanks and have a great day!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:37:28 +0000

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